Search results for Rosetta

Nanophysics Jan 12, 2022

Building a silicon quantum computer chip atom by atom

A University of Melbourne-led team has perfected a technique for embedding single atoms in a silicon wafer one-by-one. Their technology offers the potential to make quantum computers using the same methods that have given ...

Ecology Jan 12, 2022

Extensive practical guide to DNA-based biodiversity assessment methods

Between 2016 and 2021, over 500 researchers collaborated within the DNAqua-Net international network, funded by the European Union's European Cooperation in Science and Technology program (COST), with the goal to develop ...

Space Exploration Nov 29, 2021

ESA's riskiest flyby

The chance that ESA's Solar Orbiter spacecraft will encounter space debris during its upcoming Earth flyby is very, very low. However, the risk is not zero and is greater than any other flyby ESA has performed. That there ...

Earth Sciences Nov 26, 2021

When continents collide: Reconstructing the formation of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau

Home to some of the highest mountains in the world, including the legendary Mount Everest, the vast Himalayan-Tibetan plateau is often referred to as the "Roof of the World." With an average elevation of 4500 meters above ...

Astronomy Nov 24, 2021

New findings about ions around comets

Sofia Bergman, Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) and UmeƄ University, will defend her doctoral thesis on low-energy ions around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on 26 November. Observing low energy ions is notoriously ...

Biotechnology Nov 17, 2021

'Landmark' study probes crucial phase of embryo development

An unprecedented glimpse of the human embryo at an early stage of development has provided critical clues on how undifferentiated cells become the specialized ones of which we are made, researchers reported on Wednesday.

Space Exploration Nov 17, 2021

Testing mini-radar to peer inside asteroid

A specially upgraded radio-frequency chamber in ESA's technical heart is testing what is set to become the smallest radar system to be flown in space, hosted aboard a breadbox-sized spacecraft.

Biotechnology Nov 9, 2021

Researchers develop program to read any genome sequence and decipher its genetic code

Yekaterina "Kate" Shulgina was a first year student in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, looking for a short computational biology project so she could check the requirement off her program in systems biology. She ...

Astronomy Oct 21, 2021

Hubble Space Telescope gives unprecedented, early view of a doomed star's destruction

Like a witness to a violent death, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope recently gave astronomers an unprecedented, comprehensive view of the first moments of a star's cataclysmic demise. Hubble's data, combined with other observations ...

Astronomy Oct 12, 2021

ESO images some of the biggest asteroids in our Solar System

The detailed images of these 42 objects are a leap forward in exploring asteroids, made possible thanks to ground-based telescopes, and contribute to answering the ultimate question of life, the Universe, and everything.

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