Search results for Bose-Einstein condensates

General Physics Aug 25, 2022

Our atom-moving laser sculpts matter into weird new shapes—new research

Getting atoms to do what you want isn't easy—but it's at the heart of a lot of groundbreaking research in physics.

General Physics Aug 12, 2022

A simple way of sculpting matter into complex shapes

A new method for shaping matter into complex shapes, with the use of 'twisted' light, has been demonstrated in research at the University of Strathclyde.

Condensed Matter Aug 10, 2022

New quantum whirlpools with tetrahedral symmetries discovered in a superfluid

An international collaboration of scientists has created and observed an entirely new class of vortices—the whirling masses of fluid or air.

Quantum Physics Jul 28, 2022

A nanokelvin microwave freezer for molecules

When a highly diluted gas is cooled to extremely low temperatures, bizarre properties are revealed. Thus, some gases form a so-called Bose-Einstein condensate—a type of matter in which all atoms move in unison. Another ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 20, 2022

Breakthrough in quest to control light to evolve next generation of quantum sensing and computing

Scientists have made a pivotal new breakthrough in the quest to control light to evolve the next generation of quantum sensing and computing.

General Physics Jun 17, 2022

New device gets scientists closer to quantum materials breakthrough

Researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a new photonic device that could get scientists closer to the "holy grail" of finding the global minimum of mathematical ...

Condensed Matter Jun 14, 2022

Physicists demonstrate polariton Bose-Einstein condensation using a planar waveguide

A team of physicists from CNR-Nanotec in Lecce, Università di Pavia, Princeton University and Université de Lyon has demonstrated Bose-Einstein condensation using a planar waveguide where semiconductor quantum wells were ...

Condensed Matter Jun 14, 2022

Physicists build an atom laser that can stay on forever

Lasers produce coherent waves of light: All the light inside a laser vibrates completely in sync. Meanwhile, quantum mechanics tells us that particles like atoms should also be thought of as waves. As a result, we can build ...

Condensed Matter Jun 10, 2022

Researchers observe continuous time crystal

Researchers from the Institute of Laser Physics at Universität Hamburg have succeeded for the first time in realizing a time crystal that spontaneously breaks continuous time translation symmetry. They report their observation ...

Quantum Physics Jun 7, 2022

You can hear every event twice in a three-dimensional quantum gas

If you could immerse yourself in a quantum fluid, you would hear every event twice, because they support two sound waves with different speeds.

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