Search results for solar cycle 25

Earth Sciences Nov 30, 2021

Climate variability and dynamics across early-to-middle pliocene warm period provide clues for future climate change

A recent study by an international research group led by Prof. Ao Hong from the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has revealed Asian climate variability and dynamics across the early-to-middle ...

Paleontology & Fossils Sep 20, 2021

Extreme volcanism did not cause the massive extinction of species in the late Cretaceous

A study published in the journal Geology rules out that extreme volcanic episodes had any influence on the massive extinction of species in the late Cretaceous. The results confirm the hypothesis that it was a giant meteorite ...

Environment Sep 9, 2021

New estimate makes groundwater, not ice sheets, largest water reservoir on land

New research more than doubles the estimated volume of ancient, salty groundwater stored deep within Earth's crust.

Space Exploration Aug 30, 2021

Space mission tests NREL perovskite solar cells

On a clear night, Kaitlyn VanSant will be able to watch her work whiz by. Knowing the success of her project, however, will have to wait until her tiny, temporary addition to the International Space Station returns to Earth.

Astronomy Aug 17, 2021

Fast changes between the solar seasons resolved by new sun clock

Violent activity on our Sun leads to some of the most extreme space weather events on Earth, impacting systems such as satellites, communications systems, power distribution and aviation. The roughly 11-year cycle of solar ...

Astronomy Jul 13, 2021

Newly discovered planets could help scientists learn more about Earth's 'teenage' years

Four newly discovered planets could help scientists learn more about how the Earth and our solar system developed during their 'teenage' years. The exoplanets reside around 130 light years away and orbit two known stars, ...

Space Exploration May 20, 2021

Moon mission delays could increase risks from solar storms

Planned missions to return humans to the Moon need to hurry up to avoid hitting one of the busiest periods for extreme space weather, according to scientists conducting the most in-depth ever look at solar storm timing.

Space Exploration Apr 15, 2021

Galileo sunspot sketches versus modern 'deep learning' AI

It's a fascinating thought to consider.

Space Exploration Apr 6, 2021

NASA's first weather report from Jezero Crater on Mars

The weather often plays a role in our daily plans. You might put on a light jacket when the forecast calls for a cool breeze or delay your travel plans because of an impending storm. NASA engineers use weather data to inform ...

Materials Science Mar 31, 2021

Low-cost solar-powered water filter removes lead, other contaminants

A new invention that uses sunlight to drive water purification could help solve the problem of providing clean water off the grid.

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