Search results for cryosphere

Environment Mar 29, 2023

Turbulence theory extended to complex atmospheric conditions

Turbulence plays an essential role in weather and climate, and correctly representing its effects in numerical models is crucial for accurate weather forecasts and climate projections. However, the theory describing the effect ...

Environment Mar 24, 2023

UN's global disaster alert systems goal faces uphill climb

How can anyone seek shelter from a natural disaster they don't even know is coming? Last year the United Nations called for every person on the planet to be covered by early warning systems by 2027—but months into the effort ...

Earth Sciences Mar 21, 2023

IPCC report: The world must cut emissions and urgently adapt to the new climate realities

This decade is the critical moment for making deep, rapid cuts to emissions, and acting to protect people from dangerous climate impacts we can no longer avoid, according to the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel ...

Environment Mar 17, 2023

What can we expect from the final UN climate report? And what is the IPCC anyway?

After all the talk on the need for climate action, it's time for a reality check. On Monday the world will receive the latest United Nations climate report. And it's a big one.

Ecology Mar 14, 2023

Humans are leaving behind a 'frozen signature' of microbes on Mount Everest

Almost 5 miles above sea level in the Himalayan mountains, the rocky dip between Mount Everest and its sister peak, Lhotse, lies windswept, free of snow. It is here at the South Col where hundreds of adventurers pitch their ...

Earth Sciences Mar 1, 2023

Scientists improve the accuracy of weather and climate models

Scientists from EPFL and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF have developed a program that improves the accuracy of a widely used weather forecasting model by incorporating surface phenomena that weren't ...

Earth Sciences Feb 15, 2023

Before global warming, was the Earth cooling down or heating up?

Accurate climate models play a critical role in climate science and policy, helping to inform policy- and decision-makers throughout the world as they consider ways to slow the deadly effects of a warming planet and to adapt ...

Earth Sciences Feb 3, 2023

Study details timing of past glacier advances in Northern Antarctic Peninsula

Receding glaciers in the northern Antarctic Peninsula are uncovering and reexposing black moss that provides radiocarbon kill dates for the vegetation, a key clue to understanding the timing of past glacier advances in that ...

Earth Sciences Jan 26, 2023

Kill dates for re-exposed black mosses

In their new paper for the Geological Society of America journal Geology, Dulcinea Groff and colleagues used radiocarbon ages (kill dates) of previously ice-entombed dead black mosses to reveal that glaciers advanced during ...

Environment Jan 18, 2023

Underlying assumptions of air quality need to be redefined, says study

The 40-meter-high monitoring tower of the Innsbruck Atmospheric Observatory near the city center of Innsbruck in Austria continuously provides data on the composition of the atmosphere near the surface. Every hour, 36,000 ...

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