See also stories tagged with Anisotropy

Search results for anisotropy

Condensed Matter May 25, 2023

New skyrmion transistors propel quantum and AI research

In an era marked by an escalating energy crisis, the world stands on the precipice of a transformative revolution in spintronics technology, promising ultra-low power consumption paired with superior performance. To illustrate ...

Condensed Matter May 25, 2023

The observation of a quantum disordered ground state in a triangular lattice magnet

Magnetic materials with a triangular lattice have been the focus of numerous research studies, as theoretical predictions suggest that they could exhibit spin liquid states. These are quantum phases of matter that present ...

Polymers May 16, 2023

Dual-radical observation in a photoswitchable coordination polymer with synergy effect of semi-conductivity

In a study published in the journal National Science Review and led by Dr. Zhao-Yang Li (School of Material Science and Engineering, Nankai University) and Prof. Masahiro Yamashita (Department of Chemistry, Graduate School ...

Superconductivity May 12, 2023

New material facilitates search for room-temperature superconductivity

Scientists from Jilin University, the Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, and Skoltech have synthesized lanthanum-cerium polyhydride, a material that promises to facilitate studies of near-room-temperature ...

Condensed Matter May 11, 2023

Researcher uses artificial intelligence to discover new materials for advanced computing

A team of researchers led by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Trevor David Rhone, assistant professor in the Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy, has identified novel van der Waals (vdW) magnets using ...

Condensed Matter May 10, 2023

Physicists discover 'stacked pancakes of liquid magnetism'

Physicists have discovered "stacked pancakes of liquid magnetism" that may account for the strange electronic behavior of some layered helical magnets.

Nanophysics May 4, 2023

Researchers observe extremely squeezed directional THz waves in thin semiconductor crystals

An international team of scientists has imaged and analyzed THz waves that propagate in the form of plasmon polaritons along thin anisotropic semiconductor platelets with wavelengths reduced by up to 65 times compared to ...

Nanomaterials May 2, 2023

Engineering graphene-based quantum circuits with atomic precision

Imagine having a building made of stacks of bricks connected by adaptable bridges. You pull a knob that modifies the bridges and the building changes functionality. Wouldn't it be great?

Optics & Photonics Apr 28, 2023

Scientists find molecule responsible for the bright white coloring of Pacific cleaner shrimp

An international team of molecular chemists, physicists and nanomolecular scientists has found the molecule responsible for the bright, white-colored stripes sported by the Pacific cleaner shrimp. The study is published in ...

Astronomy Apr 21, 2023

The first light in the universe helps build a dark matter map

In the 1960s, astronomers began noticing a pervasive microwave background visible in all directions. Thereafter known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the existence of this relic radiation confirmed the Big Bang ...

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