Search results for Planet Mars

Planetary Sciences Apr 9, 2024

'Swallowed,' torn up or live on: How Earth will fare when the sun dies

Our solar system and everything within it—including the Earth—will look very different when the sun dies.

Astronomy Apr 8, 2024

The sun was born when a dense gas cloud collapsed 4.6 billion years ago

While the upcoming total solar eclipse is a special moment to reflect on our place in the universe, scientists have been studying the birth of the sun and the formation of our solar system for a long time.

Education Apr 8, 2024

Earth, the sun and a bike wheel: Why your high-school textbook was wrong about the shape of Earth's orbit

If you've ever been taught about how Earth orbits around the sun, you might well think our planet travels along an oval-shaped path that brings it much closer to the sun at some times of the year than at others. You'd have ...

Planetary Sciences Apr 8, 2024

Scientists solve a long-standing mystery surrounding the moon's 'lopsided' geology

About 4.5 billion years ago, a small planet smashed into the young Earth, flinging molten rock into space. Slowly, the debris coalesced, cooled and solidified, forming our moon. This scenario of how the Earth's moon came ...

Planetary Sciences Apr 4, 2024

What's the earliest the moon could have formed?

Astronomers are pretty sure they know where the moon came from. In the early solar system, a Mars-sized object dubbed Theia smashed into Earth. This cataclysmic collision knocked a huge mass of material into orbit, which ...

Astrobiology Apr 4, 2024

Why there may be oceans inside dwarf planets beyond Pluto—and what this means for the likely abundance of life

Earth was long thought to be the only planet in our solar system with an ocean, but it is beginning to look as though there are underground oceans inside even the most surprising icy bodies.

Astronomy Apr 3, 2024

Australian 'bush glass' bears the fingerprints of a cosmic collision with an iron meteorite

How Earth and the other planets of the solar system formed and evolved over the eons is a hot question for planetary scientists like me. One of the best ways to find out is by looking at rocks from space.

Materials Science Apr 2, 2024

Researchers synthesize new compounds within living cells using light

Plants harness chlorophyll to capture sunlight and kickstart photosynthesis, a crucial process on our planet that converts luminous energy into chemical fuel while producing oxygen. This pivotal chemical energy is subsequently ...

Astronomy Apr 2, 2024

That starry night sky? It's full of eclipses

Our star, the sun, on occasion joins forces with the moon to offer us Earthlings a spectacular solar eclipse—like the one that will be visible to parts of the United States, Mexico, and Canada on April 8.

Astronomy Apr 2, 2024

Surprising facts and beliefs about eclipses from the medieval and Renaissance eras

In medieval and Renaissance society and culture, celestial events were not mere spectacles in the sky. Rather, they were omens, predictors of the future, and windows into the workings of the universe.

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