Search results for jonathan swift

Internet Oct 12, 2011

Websites fail to protect personal data, researchers contend

By signing in to many of the Web's most popular sites, consumers send their names, email addresses or other personal information to other websites and data-collection companies, according to a Stanford University study that ...

Environment Aug 17, 2011

Lions in Greece, the reforestation of the West and the use of satire in environmental conservation

As the Greek economy maintains its slide towards default and the global climate continues to change for the worse, one organisation, writing in Biotropica, has come up with some novel answers to both problems. Reforest the ...

Other Jan 28, 2011

Secrets of Swift's intimate letters revealed

( -- An Oxford University academic has applied digital image analysis to intimate letters sent simultaneously by Jonathan Swift to two women, with some surprising results.

Environment Nov 29, 2010

Frustrations show as climate talks resume

(AP) -- Frustrated at past failures, climate negotiators began a critical two-week conference Monday with a call from Mexico's president to think beyond their nations' borders and consider all humanity as they bargain over ...

Internet Oct 29, 2010

They're watching you: Methods to block nosy Web advertisers

Virtually everything you do online is scrutinized by search engines and advertising networks that evaluate you as a potential customer based on what you search for, the sites you visit and the ads you see -- whether you click ...

Plants & Animals Feb 21, 2010

Roots key to second Green Revolution (w/ Video)

Root systems are the basis of the second Green Revolution, and the focus on beans and corn that thrive in poor growing conditions will help some of the world's poorest farmers, according to a Penn State plant scientist.

Astronomy Sep 10, 2008

'Naked Eye' Gamma Ray Burst Was Aimed Squarely At Earth

( -- The brightest explosion ever seen was observed in March this year. Now a team of astronomers from around the world, including the University of Leicester, the Mullard Space Science Laboratory of University ...

Other Jul 15, 2008

Probing Question: How old is political satire?

During the 2004 election season, an animated streaming video featuring Senator John Kerry and President George Bush trading insults to the tune of This Land Is Your Land was seen by millions of people over the Internet—and ...

Mathematics Jun 25, 2008

Pitt receives $2.5 million to simulate and analyze brain, immune system activity

[B]Models of how systems evolve and function under certain conditions could lead to better medical understanding of when and how to treat patients[/B] In an effort to promote the application of mathematics to medical treatment, ...

Astronomy May 23, 2007

Gamma-ray bursts active longer than thought

Using NASA's Swift satellite, astronomers have discovered that energetic flares seen after gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are not just hiccups, they appear to be a continuation of the burst itself.

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