Search results for Sharks

Plants & Animals May 15, 2024

Most dangerous areas for whale shark-shipping vessel collisions revealed

Researchers have found that heavily used shipping lanes pass through crucial whale shark feeding grounds, posing a threat to this endangered species.

Plants & Animals May 14, 2024

Mislabeled shark meat rampant in Australian markets, study finds

Researchers at Macquarie University have found a significant portion of shark meat sold in Australian fish markets and takeaway shops is mislabeled, including several samples from threatened species.

Ecology May 13, 2024

Small but mighty, plankton are among the most powerful creatures on Earth

If you go to the beach and dip a bucket in the sea, you might at first think it contains lifeless water. But examine that water under a microscope and you will see your bucket contains a universe of microscopic life, in the ...

Plants & Animals May 8, 2024

'Essentially a gas station,' fishy feast draws sea lions to Pier 39 in numbers not seen in 15 years

They're big, loud, and smelly—and they have taken over San Francisco's touristy Pier 39.

Plants & Animals May 8, 2024

Discovery of ancient Glaswegian shrimp fossil reveals new species

A short but robust little shrimp may have died out over 330 million years ago during the Carboniferous period, but the rare Scottish shellfish has been revitalized as a new species to science and as a Glaswegian.

Plants & Animals May 2, 2024

Great white sharks off South Africa's coast are protected by law, but not in practice—this needs to change

In less than eight years, white sharks in South Africa have all but disappeared from their historical hotspots in False Bay and Gansbaai, on the Western Cape coast. These areas were once known as the "white shark capital ...

Plants & Animals May 1, 2024

Marine sharks and rays 'use' urea to delay reproduction, finds study

Urea—the main component of human urine—plays an important role in the timing of maturation of sharks, rays and other cartilaginous fish.

Plants & Animals Apr 27, 2024

The first glow-in-the-dark animals may have been ancient corals deep in the ocean

Many animals can glow in the dark. Fireflies famously blink on summer evenings. But most animals that light up are found in the depths of the ocean.

Ecology Apr 25, 2024

Over 100 pilot whales beached on western Australian coast have been rescued, researcher says

More than 100 long-finned pilot whales that beached on the western Australian coast Thursday have returned to sea, while 31 died on the shore, a whale researcher said.

Archaeology Apr 24, 2024

The story of the first Alor people adapting to climate change 43,000 years ago

As humans, our greatest evolutionary advantage has always been our ability to adapt and innovate. When people first reached the expanded coastline of Southeast Asia around 65,000 years ago, and faced the sea crossings necessary ...

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