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Search results for multimedia

Economics & Business Jan 26, 2021

In refugee camps, access to internet supports research during the coronavirus pandemic

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the world is in an unexpected moment of global uncertainty and change. Countries, cities and communities worldwide are moving through rotating economic lockdowns and stay-at-home orders. At ...

Biochemistry Jan 18, 2021

Fungal wearables and devices: Biomaterials pave the way toward science fiction future

Fungi are among the world's oldest and most tenacious organisms. They are now showing great promise to become one of the most useful materials for producing textiles, gadgets and other construction materials. The joint research ...

Social Sciences Nov 17, 2020

How to plan successful e-conferences during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Many professionals, including academics, are accustomed to flying a lot. Or they were before COVID-19 drastically reduced air travel and disrupted conference plans globally. For now, the mingling of many people in hotel conference ...

Education Nov 9, 2020

The use of videos in education could improve student pass rates

The use of digital videos in learning processes is becoming increasingly widespread, particularly within the educational context created by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a situation where moving education online is the only recourse, ...

Optics & Photonics Nov 2, 2020

Team develops cost-efficient and high-resolution multi-spectral camera

A team of researchers at the Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) has developed an intelligent camera that achieves not only high spatial and ...

Astronomy Jul 1, 2020

A binary star as a cosmic particle accelerator

With a specialized telescope in Namibia a DESY-led team of researchers has proven a certain type of binary star as a new kind of source for very high-energy cosmic gamma-radiation. Eta Carinae is located 7500 lightyears away ...

Economics & Business May 26, 2020

Gig economy may hold some hope for jobs in age of COVID-19

Hundreds of thousands of Australians are out of work as a result of COVID-19, but a QUT expert says some may find new jobs through digital platforms, particularly in areas like food delivery, writing, law, accountancy, home ...

Social Sciences Apr 27, 2020

Unique digital archive of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution now online

A new digital archive co-created by University of Warwick researcher Dr. Nicola Pratt gathers art, music and film created during the 2011 Egyptian revolution into a unique new multimedia resource for scholars, students and ...

Social Sciences Apr 1, 2020

Can relationships flourish through tech alone?

"Shelter in place" is now the norm in much of the country, thanks to COVID-19. As a result, connections once made face to face are now happening electronically in both work and personal lives. John Caughlin heads the department ...

Environment Mar 27, 2020

Case studies provide in-depth lessons about sustainability

"I can't watch these animals go extinct and sit by," Josh, general manager of Mugie Conservancy said in an interview about the problem of poaching other animals, usually for profit. This after he received a call about a dead ...

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