Search results for photonic

General Physics Jun 26, 2024

Event camera integrates Fourier light field microscopy for ultrafast 3D imaging

High-speed volumetric imaging is an indispensable tool for investigating dynamic biological processes. Traditional scanning-based 3D imaging techniques, such as confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy, and light-sheet ...

General Physics Jun 26, 2024

Understanding the interior of atomic nuclei

There is a lot going on inside atomic nuclei. Protons and neutrons are whizzing around and interacting with each other. The movement of the nuclear particles and their intrinsic angular momentum induce magnetic moments. Together, ...

Materials Science Jun 25, 2024

Not all calcite crystals perfect; synthesis methods can alter internal structure, affect chemical reactivity

When looking at calcite under a microscope, a scientist would immediately recognize the crystalline form of calcium carbonate by its rhombohedral appearance. That is, calcite is shaped like a distorted cube. One of Earth's ...

Nanophysics Jun 25, 2024

Researchers use gold membrane to coax secrets out of surfaces

Using a special wafer-thin gold membrane, ETH researchers have made it significantly easier to study surfaces. The membrane makes it possible to measure properties of surfaces that are inaccessible to conventional methods.

Optics & Photonics Jun 25, 2024

New paradigm in photothermal therapy: Researchers develop ultrasound-assisted photothermal therapy technology

Professor Jin-ho Chang's research team from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at DGIST has developed "Ultrasound-assisted photothermal therapy (ULTRA-PTT)" technology that significantly enhances ...

Astronomy Jun 24, 2024

Revived technology used to count individual photons from distant galaxies

Using an instrument on the 4.1-meter Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope, researchers have obtained the first astronomical spectrum using skipper charge-coupled devices (CCDs).

General Physics Jun 24, 2024

Quantum effects forbid the formation of black holes from high concentrations of intense light, say physicists

For the last seven decades, astrophysicists have theorized the existence of "kugelblitze," black holes caused by extremely high concentrations of light.

Condensed Matter Jun 21, 2024

Controlling electronics with light: Ultrafast lasers manipulate magnetite's structure

Researchers at EPFL have discovered that by shining different wavelengths (colors) of light on a material called magnetite, they can change its state, e.g., making it more or less conducive to electricity. The discovery could ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 21, 2024

Scientists develop innovative method to validate quantum photonics circuits performance

A team of researchers from the University of Ottawa's Nexus for Quantum Technologies Institute (NexQT), led by Dr. Francesco Di Colandrea, under the supervision of Professor Ebrahim Karimi, associate professor of physics, ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 21, 2024

Advances in nanoscale force measurement opens doors to unprecedented biological insights

New research has revealed a new way to measure incredibly minute forces at the nanoscale in water, pushing the boundaries of what scientists know about the microscopic world.

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