Search results for soft metrics

Business Aug 31, 2017

Lyft seizes opportunity as Uber tries to outrun troubles

When management upheaval, allegations of corporate espionage, and revelations of sexual harassment sent Uber into a public relations sinkhole, its long overshadowed rival Lyft shifted into overdrive.

Engineering Aug 11, 2017

Stick-on patch collects, analyzes and wirelessly transmits a variety of health metrics

A new, electronic skin microsystem tracks heart rate, respiration, muscle movement and other health data, and wirelessly transmits it to a smartphone. The electronic skin offers several improvements over existing trackers, ...

Space Exploration Aug 7, 2017

Musk says maiden Falcon Heavy rocket to launch in November, acknowledges high risk

Before the year is out, the long awaited debut launch of the triple barreled Falcon Heavy rocket may at last be in sight says SpaceX CEO and founder Elon Musk, as he forthrightly acknowledges it comes with high risk and released ...

General Physics Mar 29, 2017

Researchers control soft robots using magnetic fields

A team of engineering researchers has made a fundamental advance in controlling so-called soft robots, using magnetic fields to remotely manipulate microparticle chains embedded in soft robotic devices. The researchers have ...

General Physics Jan 5, 2017

NIST metrology and the maple syrup industry

NIST is frequently asked to provide unusual, sometimes downright exotic, measurements and calibrations in support of U.S. commerce. But even old hands in the Fluid Metrology Group were surprised last fall when they were called ...

Software Dec 21, 2016

How Microsoft emerged from the darkness to embrace the cloud

The winter of 2010 brought some of Microsoft's darkest days. Bing, the search engine Microsoft built to challenge Google, was burning cash with little to show for it. Smartphones for the first time surpassed the personal ...

Space Exploration Oct 5, 2016

The problematic history of Martian landings

We may be living in the golden age of Mars exploration. With multiple orbiters around Mars and two functioning rovers on the surface of the red planet, our knowledge of Mars is growing at an unprecedented rate. But it hasn't ...

Social Sciences Jun 14, 2016

Two officers 'on the beat' prevent 86 assaults and save thousands in prison costs

The results of a major criminology experiment in Peterborough suggest that investing in proactive PCSO foot patrols targeting crime 'hot spots' could yield a more than five-to-one return: with every £10 spent saving £56 ...

Business May 18, 2016

Pondering the store's future in an age of web buying

What's the future of the physical store?

Environment Apr 14, 2016

Transparency is not a panacea for the resource curse, new study finds

Global campaigns such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to bring more transparency to the oil and gas sectors in an effort to alleviate the resource curse have yet to live up to their promises, a ...

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