Search results for nist

Analytical Chemistry Jan 17, 2023

SRM 915c calcium carbonate mass fraction standard

This standard reference material from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will help calibrate procedures for calcium determinations used in clinical analysis and for routine critical evaluation of the ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 3, 2023

Chip circuit for light could be applied to quantum computations

The ability to transmit and manipulate, with minimal loss, the smallest unit of light—the photon—plays a pivotal role in optical communications as well as designs for quantum computers that would use light rather than ...

General Physics Dec 9, 2022

How to rebuild an atomic clock

Atomic clocks are crucial for everyday living as they help our telecommunications, electrical power grids, GPS systems, transportation, and other processes around the world keep precise time. Some of these clocks use lasers ...

General Physics Dec 9, 2022

In new studies, researchers explore novel ways to hunt dark matter

For decades, astronomers and physicists have been trying to solve one of the deepest mysteries about the cosmos: An estimated 85% of its mass is missing. Numerous astronomical observations indicate that the visible mass in ...

Space Exploration Nov 7, 2022

Measuring sunlight from space, on a chip

For 40 years, people have used space-based sensors to measure the amount of light coming from the sun, which gives scientists insight into climate change on Earth.

Planetary Sciences Nov 3, 2022

Combining neutrons and X-ray imaging, scientists study meteorites to explore how Earth acquired its water

Each year, hundreds of meteorites—rocky bodies left over from the formation of the solar system—bombard Earth, delivering minerals, metals and water to our planet. Analyzing the crevices and mineral-rich deposits inside ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 24, 2022

To break new ground with frequency combs, an innovation plays with the beat

An improvement to a Nobel Prize-winning technology called a frequency comb enables it to measure light pulse arrival times with greater sensitivity than was previously possible—potentially improving measurements of distance ...

Astronomy Sep 23, 2022

Calibrating the luminosity of nearby stars to refine calculations of universe age and expansion

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but for astronomers, simply recording images of stars and galaxies isn't enough. To measure the true size and absolute brightness (luminosity) of heavenly bodies, astronomers need ...

Mathematics Sep 22, 2022

Q&A: Algorithm to serve as cryptography standard for quantum computing era

Mathematicians often toil in obscurity, and that's likely because few people, apart from fellow mathematicians who share the same sub-specialty, understand what they do. Even when algorithms have practical applications, like ...

Materials Science Aug 29, 2022

Teachers make Frankensteel during Materials Camp at MIT

Ten high school teachers spent a week at MIT in July designing and making Frankensteel, a self-healing material inspired by the villain in the Terminator 2 movie. Next up: they aim to recreate the calculations and experiments ...

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