Search results for microscopic roundworms

Plants & Animals Jul 25, 2019

Worm pheromones protect major crops

Protecting crops from pests and pathogens without using toxic pesticides has been a longtime goal of farmers. Researchers at Boyce Thompson Institute have found that compounds from an unlikely source—microscopic soil roundworms—could ...

Molecular & Computational biology Jul 3, 2019

Perfect timing: Making the 'switch' from juvenile to adult

Very little is known about how the onset of puberty is controlled in humans, but the discovery of a new gene in the roundworm C. elegans could be the "missing link" that determines when it's time to make this juvenile-to-adult ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 6, 2019

Danger avoidance can be genetically encoded for four generations, biologists say

Princeton University researchers have discovered that learned behaviors can be inherited for multiple generations in C. elegans, transmitted from parent to progeny via eggs and sperm cells. The paper detailing this finding, ...

Cell & Microbiology May 22, 2019

Cell division requires a balanced level of non-coding RNA for chromosome stability

Our genetic code is stored in chromosomes that are composed of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). To make sure the genetic code is maintained accurately in all the cells, our cells must replicate precisely and distribute its chromosomes ...

Earth Sciences Mar 20, 2019

Researchers analyze biodiversity patterns in Antarctic Dry Valleys

Antarctica is a nearly uninhabited, ice-covered continent ravaged by cold, windy, and dry conditions. Virginia Tech researcher Jeb Barrett was part of an international collaborative team that analyzed biodiversity patterns ...

Biotechnology Feb 21, 2019

Rules of inheritance rewritten in worms

The idea that children inherit half of their DNA from each parent is a central tenet of modern genetics. But a team led by KAUST's Christian Frøkjær-Jensen has re-engineered this heredity pattern in roundworms, a commonly ...

Cell & Microbiology Dec 20, 2018

Cell-by-cell DNA science is 'Breakthrough of 2018'

The US journal Science on Thursday coined as "Breakthrough of the Year" for 2018 new technologies that reveal how DNA cues individual cells to grow through time.

Biotechnology Aug 16, 2018

Nematode can rebuild muscle and neurons after complete degradation

What can scientists learn about human neurodegenerative disease from a major soybean pest? It's not a trick question; the answer lies in the soybean cyst nematode, one of two classes of microscopic roundworms known to lose ...

Biochemistry Aug 6, 2018

Mapping the inner workings of a living cell

Imaging tools like X-rays and MRI have revolutionized medicine by giving doctors a close up view of the brain and other vital organs in living, breathing people. Now, Columbia University researchers report a new way to zoom ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 26, 2018

Squishy hydra's simple circuits ready for their close-up

Just because an animal is soft and squishy doesn't mean it isn't tough. Experiments at Rice University show the humble hydra is a good example.

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