Search results for king david

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 26, 2023

First-ever sturgeon fossil found in Africa

A fossil of a "royal fish"—estimated to be more than 66 million years old—is the first ever to be found in Africa.

Space Exploration Mar 24, 2023

The science of moon hopping

The videos of the first moon landing with astronauts bouncing around the lunar surface are looking like a lot of fun—but jumping around on the moon could also be good for astronaut's muscles, bones and the cardiorespiratory ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 16, 2023

New tool identifies which cells will best repair muscles

Cells harvested from your own muscles could one day improve or even save your life if you are suffering from muscle loss after disease or an injury. The implantation of muscle cells offers an incredibly promising treatment ...

Ecology Jan 20, 2023

How stray logs in Puget Sound turn industrial shorelines green

Squinting out the windowed wheelhouse of the ship he's helmed for two decades, Captain Skip Green spots something several hundred yards in the distance.

Social Sciences Jan 16, 2023

Why food is such a powerful symbol in political protest

Food is a hot issue in today's activism. Last year, UK climate group Just Stop Oil hurled tomato soup at Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers at the National Gallery in London. Later they smeared cake on a Madame Tussauds waxwork ...

Biotechnology Jan 16, 2023

To predict environmental changes, researchers create a new generation of wireless sensor networks

The "internet of things," a growing web of interconnected devices—constituting everything from smart bulbs to warehouse robots—is posited as a central pillar of the "fourth industrial revolution" because of how drastically ...

Biotechnology Dec 13, 2022

Shaping the sport of kings: Key genes linked to successful racehorses identified by international team

A critical set of genes linked to successful racehorses has been identified by an international research team.

Ecology Nov 28, 2022

Protecting areas most important to people will also benefit nature, finds global study

Researchers found there is no need for policymakers to choose between protecting nature's benefits to people or protecting animal species. Their analysis shows that prioritizing nature's benefits to people simultaneously ...

Ecology Oct 12, 2022

The entire planet's ecosystems classified for the first time

A global cross-disciplinary team of scientists led by UNSW Sydney researchers has developed the first comprehensive classification of the world's ecosystems across land, rivers and wetlands, and seas. The ecosystem typology ...

Environment Oct 12, 2022

Why Europe is so vulnerable to heat waves

This year saw high-temperature records shattered across much of Europe, as crops withered in the fields due to widespread drought. Is this a harbinger of things to come as the Earth's climate steadily warms up?

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