Search results for female executives

Social Sciences Sep 19, 2023

Witchcraft accusations an 'occupational hazard' for female workers in early modern England

While both men and women have historically been accused of the malicious use of magic, only around 10–30% of suspected witches were men by the 16th and 17th centuries.

Archaeology Sep 13, 2023

Stone Age artists carved detailed human and animal tracks in rock art in Namibia

During the Later Stone Age in what is now Namibia, rock artists imbued so much detail into their engravings of human and animal prints that current-day Indigenous trackers could identify which animals' prints they were depicting, ...

Social Sciences Sep 8, 2023

Death and mourning in Ghana: How gender shapes the rituals of the Akan people

Gender has a significant impact on the socio-economic, political and religious experiences of Ghanaians. For Akans, the country's largest ethnic group, descent is traced through the maternal line. Property is transferred ...

Social Sciences Sep 7, 2023

'Future of Rugby' report uncovers rugby's social impact around the world

Ahead of the first match of the Rugby World Cup 2023 (RWC23) this weekend, a new report released today by Mastercard and the University of Bath reveals how rugby is set for a significant growth in global followers by 2025.

Plants & Animals Sep 5, 2023

New research sheds light on the origins of social behaviors

Male fruit flies don't usually like each other. Socially, they reject their fellow males and zero in on the females they discern via chemical receptors—or so scientists thought.

Social Sciences Sep 1, 2023

Opinion: White men have controlled women's reproductive rights throughout US history and post-Dobbs era is no different

More than a year after the Supreme Court ended federal protection for abortion rights in the United States, disagreements over abortion bans continue to reverberate around the country. Candidates sparred over the idea of ...

Plants & Animals Aug 24, 2023

Museum researchers enlist hundreds of home gardeners in fight to save the iconic monarch butterfly

On a suburban street with smooth lawns and trimmed bushes, Martha Chiplis' yard stands out. It's not just the wildflowers: purple wild petunia, golden lanceleaf coreopsis, hot-pink Bush's poppy mallow. It's the lemon-yellow ...

Plants & Animals Aug 22, 2023

Expert says urgent enforcement is needed in Indonesia to prevent trade in endangered whale sharks

Authorities in Indonesia must act to enforce wildlife protection laws to protect endangered whale sharks, says an Oxford Brookes University professor.

Economics & Business Aug 17, 2023

How gender inequality is hindering Japan's economic growth

Japan's economy is under pressure from rising energy prices and defense costs and the impact of the pandemic. Plummeting birth rates and an aging population further threaten the sustainability of its labor market. A 2023 ...

Social Sciences Aug 17, 2023

Opinion: World Wrestling Entertainment has long profited from racial stereotypes—it's time for change

In April, former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) writer Britney Abrahams sued the company for alleged discrimination following her objections at racist and discriminatory storylines. The lawsuit also contains some damning ...

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