Search results for academic partnerships

Environment Dec 4, 2023

NASA and Boeing chase jet contrails with science of climate impact in doubt

Scientific debate is getting heated over what to do about airplane contrails—the wispy lines of water vapor you often see trailing behind a jet.

Plasma Physics Nov 30, 2023

New study shows how universities are critical to emerging fusion industry

A new study suggests that universities have an essential role to fulfill in the continued growth and success of any modern high-tech industry, and especially the nascent fusion industry; however, the importance of that role ...

Social Sciences Nov 29, 2023

Cross-cultural mentoring to enhance education for Samoan infants and toddlers in Aotearoa

New research led by AUT academics shows how to enhance early childhood education for Samoan pepe meamea (infants and toddlers)—the majority of whom are taught in English-medium centers.

Analytical Chemistry Nov 24, 2023

New AI model identifies new pharmaceutical ingredients and improves existing ones

New active pharmaceutical ingredients lay the foundations for innovative and better medical treatments. However, identifying them and, above all, producing them through chemical synthesis in the laboratory is no mean feat. ...

Education Nov 22, 2023

Researchers: Health and education are closely linked—NZ needs to integrate them more in primary schools

Given the health and education challenges many New Zealand children face, it is surprising (and even depressing) how little crossover and collaboration there is between these two vital sectors.

Environment Nov 17, 2023

Let coastlines be coastlines: How nature-based approaches can protect Canada's coasts

Along Canadian coasts, storm surges and flooding have gone from breaking news to seasonal norms.

Social Sciences Nov 16, 2023

Using machine learning to help refugees succeed

Dominik Rothenhaeusler grew up in Oberzell, Germany, a quaint town of roughly 2,500 people along the Schussen River. Like many towns and cities across Germany, Oberzell has witnessed a surge of asylum seekers and refugees ...

Earth Sciences Nov 14, 2023

Research reveals extreme fluctuations between drought and flooding are devastating millions of lives

New research reveals millions of people around the world living in poverty have been experiencing a "climate hazard flip" since the turn of the century.

Earth Sciences Nov 7, 2023

Volcanic eruption: Scientists perform volcanic scenarios to develop response plan

What would happen if a volcano were to erupt tomorrow in New Mexico? How prepared as we as a society for an event like this to occur? When volcanic unrest occurs, both academic and government agencies need to have advanced ...

Economics & Business Nov 7, 2023

How the pandemic permanently altered college towns

Universities are more than just halls of learning; they are vibrant ecosystems and often the beating heart of the towns they reside in. Their reach goes beyond academia and plays a significant role in shaping the local economies ...

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