Search results for soft robotics

Environment Jun 22, 2021

Recycling robot could help solve soft plastic waste crisis

Despite an improvement in plastic recycling in recent years, landfill is a growing issue. Soft plastics like cling wrap and plastic bags are a major contributor to the problem, with 94 percent going to landfill in 2016-17.

Materials Science Jun 2, 2021

'Giant flexoelectricity' breakthrough in soft elastomers paves way for improved robots and self-powered pacemakers

Researchers have demonstrated "giant flexoelectricity" in soft elastomers that could improve robot movement range and make self-powered pacemakers a real possibility. In a paper published this month in the Proceedings of ...

Polymers May 6, 2021

Smart magnetic soft materials to develop artificial muscles and therapeutic robots

Developing a new generation of artificial muscles and soft nanorobots for drug delivery are some of the long-term goals of 4D-BIOMAP, an ERC research project being undertaken by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M).This ...

Materials Science Jun 22, 2020

'Robotic soft matter' bends, rotates and crawls when hit with light

Northwestern University researchers have developed a family of soft materials that imitates living creatures.

General Physics Sep 11, 2019

Soft-bodied swimming robot uses only light for power and steering

In a paper in Science Robotics, materials scientists from the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering describe a new design for a swimming robot that's both powered and steered by constant light.

Robotics Sep 27, 2017

Researchers design soft, flexible origami-inspired robot

A Case Western Reserve University researcher has turned the origami she enjoyed as a child into a patent-pending soft robot that may one day be used on an assembly line, in surgery or even outer space.

General Physics Mar 31, 2015

Soft, energy-efficient robotic wings

Dielectric elastomers are novel materials for making actuators or motors with soft and lightweight properties that can undergo large active deformations with high-energy conversion efficiencies. This has made dielectric elastomers ...

Engineering Jul 14, 2014

Phase-changing material could allow low-cost robots to switch between hard and soft states

In the movie "Terminator 2," the shape-shifting T-1000 robot morphs into a liquid state to squeeze through tight spaces or to repair itself when harmed. Now a phase-changing material built from wax and foam, and capable of ...

Engineering Jun 18, 2014

New manufacturing methods needed for 'soft' machines, robots

Researchers have developed a technique that might be used to produce "soft machines" made of elastic materials and liquid metals for potential applications in robotics, medical devices and consumer electronics.

Robotics Dec 15, 2011

Soft-bots: Research challenges traditional image of robotics

( -- What do you think of when you hear the word “robot”? If you’re like most folks, you probably imagine something like Gort from “The Day the Earth Stood Still” — a lumbering ...

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