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Search results for Spitzer Space Telescope

Planetary Sciences Apr 2, 2023

Webb measures temperature of rocky exoplanet for first time

The James Webb Space Telescope has measured the temperature of a rocky exoplanet for the first time, finding that a "cousin" of Earth most likely lacks an atmosphere, researchers said Monday.

Astronomy Mar 29, 2023

NGC 253: Chandra determines what makes a galaxy's wind blow

On Earth, wind can transport particles of dust and debris across the planet, with sand from the Sahara ending up in the Caribbean or volcanic ash from Iceland being deposited in Greenland. Wind can also have a big impact ...

Space Exploration Mar 27, 2023

Webb space telescope measures the temperature of a rocky exoplanet

An international team of researchers has used the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to measure the temperature of the rocky exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b. The measurement is based on the planet's thermal emission: heat energy ...

Analytical Chemistry Mar 27, 2023

How football-shaped molecules occur in the universe

For a long time it has been suspected that fullerene and its derivatives could form naturally in the universe. These are large carbon molecules shaped like a football, salad bowl or nanotube. An international team of researchers ...

Astronomy Mar 9, 2023

First images released from James Webb Space Telescope's largest general observer program

The first images from the largest program in the James Webb Space Telescope's first year show many types of galaxies, including dazzling examples of spiral galaxies, gravitational lensing, and evidence of galaxy mergers. ...

Astronomy Mar 8, 2023

Distant star TOI-700 has two potentially habitable planets orbiting it

NASA recently announced the discovery of a new, Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of a nearby star called TOI-700. We are two of the astronomers who led the discovery of this planet, called TOI-700 e. TOI-700 e is ...

Astronomy Feb 16, 2023

A star is born: Images of nearby galaxies provide clues about star formation

It is a popular notion that aside from large celestial objects like planets, stars and asteroids, outer space is empty. In fact, galaxies are filled with something called the interstellar medium (ISM)—that is, the gas and ...

Astronomy Feb 6, 2023

'Engine' of luminous merging galaxies pinpointed for the first time

Researchers used the James Webb Space Telescope to identify the precise location of a powerful energy source hidden by cosmic dust in the luminous merging galaxy IIZw096.

Planetary Sciences Jan 11, 2023

Expert discusses the recent discovery of an Earth-sized planet outside the solar system

Working with data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, Michigan State University has helped discover an Earth-sized exoplanet—a planet outside of our solar system.

Astronomy Jan 9, 2023

ALMA and JWST reveal galactic shock is shaping Stephan's Quintet in mysterious ways

Shockwaves resulting from the violent collision between an intruder galaxy and Stephan's Quintet are helping astronomers to understand how turbulence influences gas in the intergalactic medium.

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