Search results for string theory

Cell & Microbiology Jul 27, 2023

Your genetic code has lots of 'words' for the same thing—information theory may help explain the redundancies

Nearly all life, from bacteria to humans, uses the same genetic code. This code acts as a dictionary, translating genes into the amino acids used to build proteins. The universality of the genetic code indicates a common ...

Social Sciences Jul 17, 2023

Why people tend to believe UFOs are extraterrestrial

Most of us still call them UFOs—unidentified flying objects. NASA recently adopted the term "unidentified anomalous phenomena," or UAP. Either way, every few years popular claims resurface that these things are not of our ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 13, 2023

New research on phage φX174 sheds light on escape mechanism

In the age of COVID-19, the word "virus" stirs up thoughts of contagion, sickness, and even death. But what if there were a virus—a very tiny virus capable of replicating itself hundreds of times every half hour—that ...

Quantum Physics Jul 13, 2023

Engineering dual carriageways for signals: Research expands possibilities for more flexible signaling devices

Routing signals and isolating them against noise and back-reflections are essential in many practical situations in classical communication as well as in quantum processing. In a theory-experimental collaboration, a team ...

Astronomy Jun 28, 2023

Clamor of gravitational waves from universe's merging supermassive black holes 'heard' for first time

Following 15 years of data collection in a galaxy-sized experiment, scientists have "heard" the perpetual chorus of gravitational waves rippling through our universe for the first time—and it's louder than expected.

Astronomy Jun 14, 2023

Astronomers discover new link between dark matter and clumpiness of the universe

In a study published today in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, researchers at the University of Toronto reveal a theoretical breakthrough that may explain both the nature of invisible dark matter and the ...

General Physics May 28, 2023

Stephen Hawking's last collaborator on physicist's final theory

When Thomas Hertog was first summoned to Stephen Hawking's office in the late 1990s, there was an instant connection between the young Belgian researcher and the legendary British theoretical physicist.

Mathematics May 19, 2023

Theoretical study offers proof that one parallel world cannot be extremely different from the other

Theoretical string theory in theoretical physics predicts the existence of parallel worlds (mirror symmetry prediction). These two worlds (A-side and B-side) are supposed to differ in terms of the six-dimensional spaces (A ...

Nanophysics May 19, 2023

Exploring a novel way to convert heat to electricity

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have fabricated a novel device that could dramatically boost the conversion of heat into electricity. If perfected, the technology could help recoup ...

Nanophysics May 18, 2023

Researchers improving technology to generate high harmonics in nonlinear nanostructured metasurfaces

Natural and artificial crystals can change the spectral color of light, which is known as the nonlinear optical effect. Color conversion is used for numerous applications, including nonlinear microscopy for biological structures ...

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