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Social Sciences Mar 8, 2023

Discrimination based on caste is pervasive in South Asian communities around the world. Now Seattle has banned it

Seattle became the first city in the U.S. to outlaw caste-based discrimination against immigrants from stigmatized groups in South Asia's traditional social hierarchy.

Political science Feb 13, 2023

Why populism has an enduring and ominous appeal

Max Weber, the founder of modern sociology, once argued that charismatic politicians are seen by their followers as saviors and heroes.

Social Sciences Feb 1, 2023

Accra is congested, but relocating Ghana's capital is not the only option, say researchers

Capital cities play an important role in the socio-economic development of every country. People generally move to cities where there are opportunities.

Social Sciences Jan 16, 2023

Study finds values of Disney's heroes and villains stable across eight decades

Most profit-driven companies respond to their customers' preferences, but apparently Walt Disney Studios doesn't have to follow that strategy, at least when it comes to the values it assigns to the heroes and villains found ...

Social Sciences Dec 9, 2022

What makes a movement go viral? How Instagram facilitated the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests

A USC study of Instagram shows that a picture and a video are worth more than just a thousand words. They can fuel a human rights movement.

Social Sciences Dec 9, 2022

When roles in life seem more integrated, budgeting may be more flexible

People juggle multiple roles in their lives. They may see themselves as both an executive and a mother, for example, or a musician and a student. Now, a team of researchers report that the perception of how integrated these ...

Social Sciences Dec 9, 2022

Are conspiracy theorists true believers, or are they just acting out fantasies?

Democrats are killing and eating children. Vaccines contain Satan's DNA. Canada has a new queen who is really an extraterrestrial with special powers.

Social Sciences Dec 6, 2022

How to spot 'fake news' online

Before the November midterm elections, Russia activated an army of misinformation-laden social media bots aimed at convincing voters in closely contested House of Representatives and Senate races that the U.S. should not ...

Social Sciences Nov 9, 2022

Can brands influence social outcomes? The impact of COVID-19-related brand advertising on social distancing behavior

Researchers from Clark University, Indiana University, and Georgia State University published a new Journal of Marketing article that assesses the impact of COVID-19-related brand advertising on social distancing behavior.

Social Sciences Nov 1, 2022

Republicans and Democrats see news bias only in stories that clearly favor the other party

Charges of media bias—that "the media" are trying to brainwash Americans by feeding the public only one side of every issue—have become as common as campaign ads in the run-up to the midterm elections.

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