See also stories tagged with Nanotechnology

Search results for nanotech

Nanophysics Jan 28, 2021

Researchers create powerful unipolar carbon nanotube muscles

For more than 15 years, researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas and their collaborators in the U.S., Australia, South Korea and China have fabricated artificial muscles by twisting and coiling carbon nanotube or ...

Bio & Medicine Oct 26, 2020

Tiny golden bullets could help tackle asbestos-related cancers

Gold nanotubes—tiny hollow cylinders one thousandth the width of a human hair—could be used to treat mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, according to a team of researchers at the Universities ...

Nanomaterials Sep 29, 2020

Nanotech filter coating offers promise against COVID-19

A physics professor from the University of Houston has developed a nanotech coating designed to allow air filters to capture airborne or aerosolized droplets of the virus that causes COVID-19.

Nanomaterials Jun 4, 2020

Butterfly-inspired nanotech makes natural-looking pictures on digital screens

Taking inspiration from nature's nanotech that creates the stunning color of butterfly wings, a University of Central Florida researcher is creating technology to make extremely low-power, ultra-high-definition displays and ...

Space Exploration May 19, 2020

Ultra-thin sail could speed journey to other star systems

A tiny sail made of the thinnest material known—one carbon-atom-thick graphene—has passed initial tests designed to show that it could be a viable material to make solar sails for spacecraft.

Bio & Medicine May 11, 2020

Raise your glass: New nanotech clears haze from white wine

Sauvignon blanc, semillon, or chardonnay—when you reach for your favorite white, it's the clean, clear sparkle that first catches your eye. Or does it? When white wines look cloudy it's a sign of protein instability, and ...

Bio & Medicine Mar 24, 2020

Global carbon capture potential for rare nanoparticle

Australia is on the cusp of commercializing a rare nanoparticle with huge global potential to help capture carbon and water pollutants.

Nanophysics Dec 10, 2019

How to induce magnetism in graphene

Graphene, a two-dimensional structure made of carbon, is a material with excellent mechanical, electronic and optical properties. However, it did not seem suitable for magnetic applications. Together with international partners, ...

Bio & Medicine Dec 3, 2019

Hiring antibodies as nanotechnology builders

What if we could use antibodies as functional tools for nanotechnology applications? A group of researchers at the University of Rome Tor Vergata started from this simple question, and the results of their research are now ...

Materials Science Oct 10, 2019

Research shows that doing the twist is hot, unwinding is cool

An international team led by researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas and Nankai University in China has discovered a new technology for refrigeration that is based on twisting and untwisting fibers.

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