Search results for geosphere

Earth Sciences Jul 23, 2015

Meeting face-to-face with El Capitan

Granitic rocks make up much of Earth's continental crust and many of the planet's most iconic landscapes. However, granite's formation is poorly understood because it happens tens of kilometers below the surface. In this ...

Earth Sciences Jun 12, 2015

New Grand Canyon age research focuses on western Grand Canyon

The age of the Grand Canyon (USA) has been studied for years, with recent technological advances facilitating new attempts to determine when erosion of this iconic canyon began. The result is sometimes conflicting ages based ...

Earth Sciences Jun 11, 2015

Did dinosaurs enjoy Grand Canyon views? Definitely not, say researchers

Did dinosaurs roam the Grand Canyon? Well, the answer depends on whom you talk to. And how old they believe the majestic canyon to be.

Earth Sciences Apr 24, 2015

Geothermal energy, aluto volcano, and Ethiopia's rift valley

In their open access paper published in Geosphere this month, William Hutchison and colleagues present new data from Ethiopia's Rift Valley and Aluto volcano, a major volcano in the region. Aluto is Ethiopia's main source ...

Earth Sciences Mar 19, 2015

Unaweep Canyon and Earth's deep-time past

Unaweep Canyon is a puzzling landscape—the only canyon on Earth with two mouths. First formally documented by western explorers mapping the Colorado Territory in the 1800s, Unaweep Canyon has inspired numerous hypotheses ...

Environment Jan 15, 2015

New planetary dashboard shows 'Great Acceleration' in human activity since 1950

Human activity, predominantly the global economic system, is now the prime driver of change in the Earth System (the sum of our planet's interacting physical, chemical, biological and human processes), according to a set ...

Earth Sciences Dec 8, 2014

Re-thinking Southern California earthquake scenarios in Coachella Valley, San Andreas Fault

New three-dimensional (3D) numerical modeling that captures far more geometric complexity of an active fault segment in southern California than any other, suggests that the overall earthquake hazard for towns on the west ...

Environment Sep 21, 2014

World greenhouse emissions threaten warming goal

Emissions of greenhouse gases are rising so fast that within one generation the world will have used up its margin of safety for limiting global warming to 2°C (3.6°F), an international team of scientists warned Sunday.

Earth Sciences Sep 3, 2014

Team develops new, inexpensive method for understanding earthquake topography

Using high-resolution topography models not available in the past, geologists can greatly enrich their research. However, current methods of acquisition are costly and require trained personnel with high-tech, cumbersome ...

Earth Sciences Aug 18, 2014

Researchers study carbon, methane emissions from volcanoes

Scientists at the University of New Mexico are conducting research at the edge of the Earth compiling volcanic data as part of the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) Deep Carbon Degassing (DECADE) research activity. The research ...

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