Search results for drag force

Social Sciences Oct 9, 2023

Researcher: Today's white working-class young men who turn to racist violence are part of a long, sad American history

In recent years, the United States has seen a surge of white supremacist mass shootings against racial minorities. While not always the case, mass shooters tend to be young white men.

Environment Oct 9, 2023

Building environmental policy on America's support for a clean environment

Listening to some politicos on the campaign trail, it's easy to assume that most Americans are against protecting the environment and that government should simply let the market regulate itself. For decades the Gallup poll ...

Evolution Oct 9, 2023

'Spatial sorting' dominated bug evolution after Hurricane Harvey flooding, study shows

With species the world over on the move due to climate change, a unique experiment in the wake of 2017's Hurricane Harvey has revealed a way that species can instantly evolve when they move in response to a climate catastrophe.

Space Exploration Oct 3, 2023

Estonia's next satellite, largely built by undergrad students, to fly aboard Vega VV23

Estonia's next satellite will fly aboard Europe's Vega VV23 launcher later this week. While largely designed and built by undergraduate students, the shoebox-sized ESTCube-2 has ambitious goals in mind, including surveys ...

Astronomy Sep 27, 2023

Monitoring of radio galaxy M87 confirms black hole spin

The nearby radio galaxy M87, located 55 million light-years from the Earth and harboring a black hole 6.5 billion times more massive than the sun, exhibits an oscillating jet that swings up and down with an amplitude of about ...

Space Exploration Sep 22, 2023

Solar sails could reach Mars in just 26 days

A recent study submitted to Acta Astronautica and currently available on the arXiv preprint server explores the potential for using aerographite solar sails for traveling to Mars and interstellar space, which could dramatically ...

Astronomy Sep 20, 2023

Black holes eat faster than previously expected: New finding might explain why quasars flare and fade so quickly

A new Northwestern University-led study is changing the way astrophysicists understand the eating habits of supermassive black holes.

Biotechnology Sep 18, 2023

Have researchers found the missing link to make easy protein sequencing possible?

There has been a real race among scientists to create a technology that enables easy protein sequencing. Professor of Chemical Biology Giovanni Maglia of the University of Groningen has now found the missing piece in the ...

Earth Sciences Sep 14, 2023

Why the Earth quakes: A closer look at what's going on under the ground

Earthquakes, large and small, happen every single day along zones that wrap around the world like seams on a baseball. Most don't bother anybody, so they don't make the news. But every now and then a catastrophic earthquake ...

Astronomy Sep 8, 2023

DART had a surprising impact on its target, according to recent observations

After NASA's DART mission slammed into asteroid Dimorphous in September 2022, scientists determined the impact caused tons of rock to be ejected from the small asteroid's surface. But more importantly, DART's impact altered ...

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