Search results for dormant volcano

Environment Mar 24, 2022

Mid-Atlantic island girds for feared quake, volcano eruption

Authorities on a Portuguese island in the North Atlantic are preparing for the possible evacuation of local people, as six straight days of minor temblors stoke fears of a possible major earthquake or volcanic eruption.

Space Exploration Feb 22, 2022

High-flying NASA 'NACHOS' instrument may help predict volcanic eruptions

NASA is launching a prototype instrument that could make it easier to monitor volcanic activity and air quality. Perched aboard a CubeSat about 300 miles (480 kilometers) above Earth's surface, the "Nanosat Atmospheric Chemistry ...

Earth Sciences Dec 3, 2021

Environmental scientist suggests lessons can be learned from unexpected eruption of Cumbre Vieja

Environmental scientist Marc-Antoine Longpré with City University of New York is suggesting in a Perspective piece published in the journal Science that lessons can be learned from the unexpected eruption of Cumbre Vieja ...

Earth Sciences Dec 1, 2021

Earthquakes and tsunamis in Europe?

Since the tsunami that devastated coasts around the Indian Ocean in December 2004 and the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, people worldwide are aware that geological processes in the ocean can cause significant damage. From ...

Environment Sep 16, 2021

Threat of volcanic eruption puts Spanish island on alert

A series of small earthquakes in Spain's Canary Islands has put authorities on alert for a possible volcanic eruption, with one official saying Thursday there is "intense seismic activity" in the area off northwest Africa.

Earth Sciences Sep 14, 2021

What lies beneath: Volcanic secrets revealed

Lava samples have revealed a new truth about the geological makeup of the Earth's crust and could have implications for volcanic eruption early warning systems, a University of Queensland-led study has found.

Environment Sep 9, 2021

First the snow vanished, then the mudslides began: Mount Shasta's summer of pain

A brutal summer of record heat and punishing drought has claimed yet another California victim: the majestic, snow-covered slopes of Mount Shasta.

Earth Sciences Sep 3, 2021

Study reveals threat of catastrophic supervolcano eruptions ever-present

Curtin scientists are part of an international research team that studied an ancient supervolcano in Indonesia and found such volcanoes remain active and hazardous for thousands of years after a super-eruption, prompting ...

Environment Aug 13, 2021

Climate-fueled wildfires take toll on tropical Pacific isles

A metal roof sits atop the burned remains of a homestead on the once-lush slopes of Hawaii's Mauna Kea—a dormant volcano and the state's tallest peak—charred cars and motorcycles strewn about as wind-whipped sand and ...

Environment Aug 6, 2021

3 erupting Alaska volcanoes spitting lava or ash clouds

Three remote Alaska volcanoes are in various states of eruption, one producing lava and the other two blowing steam and ash.

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