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Search results for detector

General Physics Jun 7, 2024

Upgrading the LHCb sub-detectors for the high-luminosity LHC

On 5 July 2022, protons began colliding again in the LHCb detector after a three-and-a-half-year break known as Long Shutdown 2 (LS2), marking the start of the third run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Astronomy Jun 7, 2024

A mission to Uranus could also be a gravitational wave detector

Despite being extraordinarily difficult to detect for the first time, gravitational waves can be found using plenty of different techniques. The now-famous first detection at LIGO in 2015 was just one of the various ways ...

Astronomy Jun 7, 2024

Hubble examines a barred spiral's light

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the barred spiral galaxy NGC 3059, which lies about 57 million light-years from Earth. Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 collected the data in May 2024 as part of an observing ...

General Physics Jun 7, 2024

QUIET: A place to study qubits shielded from the effects of cosmic rays

Deep under the ground at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is a brand-new quantum sensor and computing research center called QUIET, and at the surface—100 meters above—sits its twin called LOUD.

Nanophysics Jun 7, 2024

New tech could give individuals increased control over their own exposure to harmful gases

In an increasingly health-conscious society, data is a hot commodity. Tracking step counts with an old-school pedometer has turned into monitoring heart rates, sleep cycles and blood oxygen levels with wearable fitness trackers, ...

Space Exploration Jun 6, 2024

First detection of negative ions on the moon

The first ESA instrument to land on the moon has detected the presence of negative ions on the lunar surface produced through interactions with the solar wind.

General Physics Jun 5, 2024

Study suggests germanium isotope really does have an 11-day half-life

Searching for the elusive neutrino takes on many forms. Detectors consisting of many tons of gallium are used in several experiments because neutrino interactions can occur on the stable gallium-71 (71Ga) nucleus and transform ...

Astronomy Jun 5, 2024

New approach leverages planetary magnetospheres to detect high-frequency gravitational waves

A new method of detecting high-frequency gravitational waves (HFGWs) has been proposed by a research team led by Prof. Tao Liu, Associate Professor from the Department of Physics at the Hong Kong University of Science and ...

Nanophysics Jun 3, 2024

New momentum-space polarization filters enable high signal-to-noise ratio nano imaging

A research team led by Prof. Zhang Dongguo from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) developed an optical module that consists of cascaded momentum-space polarization ...

Astronomy Jun 1, 2024

The universe's biggest explosions made elements we are composed of, but there's another mystery source out there

After its "birth" in the Big Bang, the universe consisted mainly of hydrogen and a few helium atoms. These are the lightest elements in the periodic table. More-or-less all elements heavier than helium were produced in the ...

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