See also stories tagged with GSM

Search results for GSM

Telecom Oct 7, 2014

Mesh networks and Firechat make 'switching off the internet' that much harder

The events in Hong Kong have seen technology play a huge role in organising political protest, as much as in the days of the Arab Spring of 2011. But governments have become wise to the potential influence of Twitter, Facebook ...

Telecom Sep 30, 2014

5G mobile networks will support an internet that's so good you can feel it

With the roll-out of 4G mobile internet not even yet complete, it might seem early to consider starting work on the design of the next, fifth generation (5G) mobile networks. The truth is that telecoms systems are so complex ...

Ecology Jun 3, 2014

How GPS and cell phones are helping to monitor and protect African elephants

( —The viral spread of smartphones has jumped a species. African elephants are now also benefitting, thanks to new software algorithms developed by researchers and conservationists.

Telecom Apr 3, 2014

European parliament adopts 'net neutrality' law (Update)

The European Parliament voted Thursday to stop Internet providers from charging for preferential access to their networks—a step cheered by consumer groups and startups but bemoaned by the telecommunications industry.

Space Exploration Mar 22, 2014

StratoBus airship prototype targeted within next five years (w/ video)

( —A project that presents a concept of something between drone and satellite is under way. The vehicle is called StratoBus, developed in Europe. The StratoBus will be able to carry out missions such as border ...

Telecom Feb 23, 2014

One-second movie downloads on next mobile network

When the next super-fast mobile network launches in 2020 you will be able to download a high-definition movie in one second flat.

Business Jan 27, 2014

Ericsson, Samsung sign deal settling patent dispute

Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson said on Monday it had signed a deal with South Korean electronics giant Samsung settling a global patent dispute.

Engineering Jan 13, 2014

Portable telemedicine device for medics

A robust portable device for monitoring vital signs and providing communications for medics developed with the support of ESA offers a lifeline even in the remotest areas on Earth via satcoms.

Ecology Jan 9, 2014

Drought and downing equal vulture supermarkets

African vultures are famous for quickly finding carcasses; so much so that they are considered clairvoyants in parts of Africa. But just how do vultures know where to find food across vast regions in the first place? In ...

Telecom Dec 13, 2013

Israeli start-up seeks to end roaming charges

An Israeli startup is trying to combat a common fear for international travelers: getting socked with hundreds or thousands of dollars in unexpected roaming charges for using cellphones away from home.

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