Search results for Eris

Environment Aug 24, 2023

Looking for a US 'climate haven' away from heat and disaster risks? Good luck finding one

Southeast Michigan seemed like the perfect "climate haven."

Ecology Aug 7, 2023

Current estimates of Lake Erie algae toxicity may miss the mark

There is more to a harmful algal bloom than the green stuff in water that meets the eye—specifically, a changing hazard level of toxins produced by the microbes that make up the scummy mess.

Earth Sciences Jul 26, 2023

Well-managed dams and smart forecasting can limit flooding as extreme storms become more common

The arduous task of cleaning up from catastrophic flooding is underway across the Northeast after storms stretched the region's flood control systems nearly to the breaking point.

Earth Sciences Jul 26, 2023

More algal blooms likely in Lake Erie as deep-water oxygen levels continue to drop

Researchers at York University went searching for the fossilized remains of small insect larvae called chironomids, found in sediment in Lake Erie, to find a history of deep water oxygen deprivation in the lake that continues ...

Environment Jun 29, 2023

Smaller-than-average harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

NOAA and its research partners, including the University of Michigan, are forecasting that western Lake Erie will experience a smaller-than-average harmful algal bloom this summer, which would make it less severe than 2022.

Plants & Animals Jun 23, 2023

Researchers discover one-of-a-kind fish is local to lower Susquehanna

In an attempt to rescue a rare darter in the lower Susquehanna River, a Penn State research team, working with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, has determined that the fish is a distinct subspecies found nowhere ...

Earth Sciences Jun 20, 2023

New study reveals irrigation's mixed effects around the world

A new study by an international team of researchers shows how irrigation affects regional climates and environments around the world, illuminating how and where the practice is both untenable and beneficial.

Astronomy Jun 5, 2023

Five incredible craters that will make you fall in love with the grandeur of our solar system

Impact cratering happens on every solid body in the solar system. In fact, it is the dominant process affecting the surfaces on most extraterrestrial bodies today.

Plants & Animals Apr 17, 2023

The surprising science behind long-distance bird migration

A team of scientists led by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has recently made a surprising discovery, with the help of a wind tunnel and a flock of birds. Songbirds, many of which make twice-yearly, ...

Plants & Animals Apr 5, 2023

New tool shows progress in fighting spread of invasive grass carp in Great Lakes

New research reveals the progress scientists at The University of Toledo are making in their ongoing efforts to capture and remove invasive grass carp from the Great Lakes.

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