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Superconductivity Mar 2, 2023

Reaching superconductivity layer by layer

Imagine a sheet of material just one layer of atoms thick—less than a millionth of a millimeter. While this may sound fantastical, such a material exists: it is called graphene and it is made from carbon atoms in a honeycomb ...

Environment Feb 10, 2023

Where's the snow? Climate change affects ski racing season

Besides some minor dustings, it hasn't snowed significantly in the French resorts hosting the skiing world championships since mid-January.

Social Sciences Feb 8, 2023

Team incentives keep workers from leaving gig jobs, finds research

As people leave traditional 9-to-5 work for more flexible employment, what will keep them from bolting gig jobs is a greater connection with co-workers and the company, according to a new University of Michigan study.

Environment Jan 31, 2023

Auckland floods: Even stormwater reform won't be enough. We need a 'sponge city' to avoid future disasters

We've built our cities to be vulnerable to—and exacerbate—major weather events such as the one we saw in Auckland on Friday. While almost no city in the world could fully escape the effects of four months' worth of rain ...

Ecology Jan 13, 2023

Mining and armed conflict threaten eastern DRC's biodiversity in a complex web

The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) conflict-affected eastern provinces are home to numerous protected areas. These areas host unique biodiversity and a range of threatened species, such as the okapi, forest elephant ...

Social Sciences Dec 16, 2022

How research is boosting voter turnout

Election research pioneered by UC San Diego political scientist Zoltan Hajnal is not only having a real-world impact in California, but is starting to take root beyond the state.

Plants & Animals Dec 6, 2022

As a sacred minnow nears extinction, Native Americans of Clear Lake call for bold plan

Spring runs of a large minnow numbering in the millions have nourished Pomo Indians since they first made their home alongside Northern California's Clear Lake more than 400 generations ago.

Biotechnology Nov 8, 2022

3D protein structure predictions made by AI could boost cancer research and drug discovery

In a living being, proteins make up roughly everything: from the molecular machines running every cell's metabolism, to the tip of your hair. Encoded in the DNA, a protein may be represented as a thread of hundreds of individual ...

Plants & Animals Oct 28, 2022

Dead crustaceans washing up on England's north-east coast may be victims of the green industrial revolution

Thousands of dead and dying crabs and lobsters washed up along a 50km stretch of England's north-east coast last autumn. Observers reported seeing the animals experience peculiar behaviors including convulsions, before suffering ...

Economics & Business Oct 24, 2022

Positive ESG ratings in the past led to 25% drop in philanthropic giving

Everywhere you look, something or someone is being rated—that movie you're thinking of seeing, the restaurant you might try, the president's popularity this week. We don't seem to agree on much right now, but we can all ...

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