Search results for Frugal Science

Cell & Microbiology Jun 30, 2016

In times of great famine, microalgae digest themselves

In a recent study, scientists of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) have determined the molecular mechanisms which microalgae apply in order to switch from rapid cell division ...

Space Exploration Jun 22, 2016

India launches 20 satellites in single mission (Update)

India successfully launched a rocket carrying 20 satellites on Wednesday, setting a new national record as its famously frugal space agency looks to grab a larger slice of the lucrative commercial space market.

Social Sciences May 24, 2016

The cost of being poor, as told by toilet paper

One of the greatest fictional stories isn't a summer blockbuster and doesn't star a big-budget Hollywood celebrity. It's the story that individuals are poor due to their lack of will/drive/desire, and if they worked harder, ...

Condensed Matter Apr 25, 2016

Engineers develop micro-sized, liquid-metal particles for heat-free soldering

Martin Thuo likes to look for new, affordable and clean ways to put science and technology to work in the world.

Social Sciences May 14, 2015

Even flush families find value in frugality

Middle-income earners are just as thrifty as those less well-off when it comes to budgeting the family finances, QUT research has found.

Materials Science Apr 22, 2015

A leap for 'artificial leaf': Generating power by breaking up water molecules

As an idea, the notion of an "artificial leaf" was always meant to be simple: Could scientists, using a handful of relatively cheap materials, harness the power of light to generate two powerful fuels—hydrogen and oxygen—by ...

Environment Jan 5, 2015

The 'simple life' manifesto and how it could save us

The aftermath of Christmas is a good time to think about where consumer-capitalism is getting us. The sad fact is that, with these values, our society can never be ecologically sustainable or just. Accelerating global problems ...

General Physics Nov 25, 2014

Tropical parasite uses swim stroke not shared by any other creature

For many bacteria and parasites looking to get a load of the fresh nutritional bounty inside your body, the skin is the first and most important gatekeeper. Schistosomas, however, scoff at this barrier and burrow right on ...

Plants & Animals Nov 17, 2014

Lizards and snakes: Less sex + more greens = longer life

Doctors tell us that the frenzied pace of the modern 24-hour lifestyle—in which we struggle to juggle work commitments with the demands of family and daily life—is damaging to our health. But while life in the slow lane ...

Other Jun 26, 2014

Iowa State engineers turn LEGO bricks into a scientific tool to study plant growth

Ludovico Cademartiri had what seemed like an impossibly demanding list of requirements for his lab equipment.

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