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Plants & Animals Jul 12, 2024

Lions in a Uganda park make a perilous journey across a 1.5 km stretch of water to find mates

Domestic cats will do almost anything to avoid contact with water. Not so for their wild cousins, though. Lions, tigers and jaguars have had to adapt to water and sometimes take the plunge for survival.

Education Jul 12, 2024

Thinking aloud: What happens when children read for pleasure in classroom clubs

Every five years, the international Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) provides an assessment of how well grade 4 learners around the world read for meaning. And every time South Africa participates, ...

Space Exploration Jul 12, 2024

SpaceX space junk crashed onto Saskatchewan farmland, highlighting a potential impending disaster

In late April, farmers in Saskatchewan stumbled upon spacecraft fragments while preparing their fields for seeding. It sounds like the beginning of a science fiction movie, but this really happened, sending a powerful warning: ...

Astronomy Jul 12, 2024

How astronomers work out the size of the solar system

The size of the solar system is defined by the volume of space over which the sun's influence exceeds those of other nearby stars in the Milky Way galaxy. This influence derives from two fundamental forces of nature: gravity ...

Ecology Jul 12, 2024

History shows that humans are good for biodiversity… sometimes

Humans have been an important driver of vegetation change over thousands of years, and, in some places, had positive impacts on biodiversity, according to a new study.

Astronomy Jul 12, 2024

Hubble finds evidence for rare black hole in Omega Centauri

An international team of astronomers has used more than 500 images from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope spanning two decades to detect seven fast-moving stars in the innermost region of Omega Centauri, the largest and ...

Biotechnology Jul 12, 2024

A better way to make RNA drugs: Enzymatic synthesis method expands capabilities while eliminating toxic byproducts

While the COVID-19 vaccines introduced many people to RNA-based medicines, RNA oligonucleotides have already been on the market for years to treat diseases like Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and amyloidosis. RNA therapies offer ...

Space Exploration Jul 12, 2024

Real-life 'stillsuit': Dune-inspired upgrade for spacesuits allow astronauts to recycle urine into water

Astronauts on spacewalks famously have to relieve themselves inside their spacesuits. Not only is this uncomfortable for the wearer and unhygienic, it is also wasteful, as—unlike wastewater on board the International Space ...

Planetary Sciences Jul 11, 2024

Scientific definition of a planet says it must orbit our sun: A new proposal would change that

Planetary scientists are proposing a new definition of a planet to replace one that many researchers view as sun-centric and outdated. The current definition—established in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), ...

Economics & Business Jul 11, 2024

IoT sensors tattle on stores that neglect promo displays

Whether it's a pharmacy, a supermarket, or a clothier, when you walk into a retail store in the U.S., you are sure to encounter a flashy promotional display featuring products from a specific brand.

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