Search results for machine learning

Quantum Physics May 13, 2021

Quantum machine learning hits a limit

A new theorem from the field of quantum machine learning has poked a major hole in the accepted understanding about information scrambling.

Materials Science May 11, 2021

Lasers, levitation and machine learning make better heat-resistant materials

Argonne scientists across several disciplines have combined forces to create a new process for testing and predicting the effects of high temperatures on refractory oxides.

Agriculture Apr 29, 2021

Vision for ultra-precision ag: Machine learning, plant sensing, robots tending crops

A gardener hoping for a crop of the juiciest summer tomatoes might tend to each and every plant in a plot. But a farmer working to feed the world?

General Physics Apr 29, 2021

Machine learning algorithm helps unravel the physics underlying quantum systems

Scientists from the University of Bristol's Quantum Engineering Technology Labs (QETLabs) have developed an algorithm that provides valuable insights into the physics underlying quantum systems—paving the way for significant ...

Earth Sciences Apr 23, 2021

DeepShake uses machine learning to rapidly estimate earthquake shaking intensity

A deep spatiotemporal neural network trained on more than 36,000 earthquakes offers a new way of quickly predicting ground shaking intensity once an earthquake is underway, researchers report at the Seismological Society ...

Nanomaterials Apr 19, 2021

Understanding interfaces of hybrid materials with machine learning

Using machine learning methods, researchers at TU Graz can predict the structure formation of functionalized molecules at the interfaces of hybrid materials. Now they have also succeeded in looking behind the driving forces ...

Optics & Photonics Apr 14, 2021

Dynamical machine learning accurately reconstructs volume interiors with limited-angle data

Tomographic reconstruction of an object's interior volume from limited angular views is a challenging problem with practical applications in biological imaging, failure analysis of integrated circuits, etc. A team at MIT ...

Astronomy Apr 12, 2021

27 million galaxy morphologies quantified and cataloged with the help of machine learning

Research from Penn's Department of Physics and Astronomy has produced the largest catalog of galaxy morphology classification to date. Led by former postdocs Jesús Vega-Ferrero and Helena Domínguez Sánchez, who worked ...

Astronomy Apr 7, 2021

Machine-learning methods lead to discovery of rare 'quadruply imaged quasars'

With the help of machine-learning techniques, a team of astronomers has discovered a dozen quasars that have been warped by a naturally occurring cosmic "lens" and split into four similar images. Quasars are extremely luminous ...

Archaeology Mar 30, 2021

Modern analysis of rock art: Machine learning opens new doors in archaeology

Rock art of human figures created over thousands of years in Australia's Arnhem Land has been put through a transformative machine learning study to analyse style changes over the years.

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