Search results for synchrotron emission

Astronomy Mar 14, 2023

Study sheds more light on the diffuse radio emission from the galaxy cluster Abell 1213

European astronomers have observed a galaxy cluster known as Abell 1213 using various spacecraft and ground-based facilities. The observations unveiled essential information about the diffuse radio emission from this source. ...

Astronomy Mar 1, 2023

Observations shed more light on the behavior of a nearby blazar

An international team of astronomers has conducted a long-term multi-frequency radio monitoring of a nearby blazar known as OJ 287. Results of the observational campaign, published February 22 on the pre-print server arXiv, ...

Astronomy Jan 12, 2023

Astronomers create new microwave map of the Milky Way and beyond

An international team of scientists have successfully mapped the magnetic field of our galaxy, the Milky Way, using telescopes that observe the sky in the microwave range. The new research is published in Monthly Notices ...

Astronomy Jan 11, 2023

Blazar 1ES 1218+304 inspected in detail

An international team of astronomers has performed a comprehensive, multiwavelength study of a blazar known as 1ES 1218+304. Results of the research, presented in a paper published January 3 on the arXiv preprint server, ...

Astronomy Jan 10, 2023

Researchers investigate tidal disruption event AT 2022cmc

Using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European southern Observatory (ESO), an international team of astronomers has observed a tidal disruption event known as AT 2022cmc. Results of the observational campaign, presented ...

Astronomy Jan 3, 2023

Imaging the magnetic field in the acceleration zone of the Vela pulsar

An international team of space scientists has imaged the magnetic field that exists in the acceleration zone of the Vela pulsar. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes how they used data from ...

Analytical Chemistry Dec 13, 2022

Novel chemical reaction supports carbon-neutral industrial processes

A team of researchers led by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory has discovered the mechanisms behind a very effective catalyst for methane dry reforming, a chemical reaction ...

Astronomy Dec 7, 2022

NASA missions probe game-changing cosmic explosion

On Dec. 11, 2021, NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory and Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detected a blast of high-energy light from the outskirts of a galaxy around 1 billion light-years away. The event has rattled scientists' ...

Astronomy Dec 7, 2022

Gamma-ray burst is 'Rosetta Stone' for finding neutron star collisions

A highly unusual blast of high-energy light from a nearby galaxy has been linked by scientists to a neutron star merger.

Plasma Physics Dec 6, 2022

X-ray analysis without doubt: Four-decade enigma of cosmic X-rays solved

An international team led by the Heidelberg MPl for Nuclear Physics has solved a decades-long problem in astrophysics with a high-precision experiment.

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