Search results for superb fairy wren

Ecology Nov 13, 2012

Native street trees can boost birds' survival

As native birds continue to lose their homes due to the spread of the Australia's cities, scientists are urging city planners and householders to help save them by planting more Australian trees.

Plants & Animals Nov 8, 2012

Fairy-wren babies need password for food

It's always a good idea to listen to your mother, but that goes double for baby fairy-wrens even before they are hatched.

Plants & Animals Aug 17, 2011

Wrens eavesdrop on the neighbors

Superb fairy-wrens eavesdrop, learn to understand and react to the danger calls of other bird species that live nearby, according to new research published today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Plants & Animals Jan 18, 2011

Australian birds attract mates with 'scary movie effect'

Using a horror film to bring your date closer is a classic move in the teenage playbook. Now, a study of Australian birds finds that other animals use the same "scary movie effect" to attract female attention, by hitchhiking ...

Plants & Animals Dec 9, 2009

Researchers Identify the Most Promiscuous Birds in the World

( -- UConn ornithologist Chris Elphick and his colleagues carried out DNA tests to discover the paternity of Saltmarsh Sparrow nestlings.

Aug 16, 2007

Mother's little helpers

An Australian bird has been found to produce smaller, less nourishing eggs when it breeds in the presence of other ‘helper’ birds that provide child-care assistance. This unique adaptation enables the birds to live longer ...

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