Search results for stalactite

Earth Sciences Jun 23, 2020

Did a volcanic eruption in Alaska help end the Roman republic?

Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March (March 15) in 44 BC and a bloody civil war followed. This brought down the Roman republic and replaced it with a monarchy led by Caesar's nephew Octavian, who in 27 BC became ...

Earth Sciences May 20, 2020

Caves indicate that Australia's mountains are still growing

Australia has often been unfairly portrayed as an old and idle continent with little geological activity, but new research suggests that we remain geologically active and that some of our mountains are still growing.

Archaeology Mar 13, 2020

The tooth enamel of the Atapuerca hominids grew faster than in modern humans

The CENIEH has conducted the first study which tackles counting the two types of enamel growth lines, in Lower Pleistocene and Middle Pleistocene populations in Europe. The data obtained in this research, together with those ...

Earth Sciences Mar 5, 2020

Cave rock studies provide window into ancient civilisations

There is a certain romance to speleology, the study of caves, if you can see past the cold and the damp and the dark. Caves are ancient and often beautiful places. And they can be useful. Rock formations in caves, it turns ...

Environment Feb 26, 2020

Caves face new unknown after unprecedented bushfires

Caves are easily forgotten when fire rips through the bush, but despite their robustness the long-term impact of frequent, unprecedented fire seasons presents a new challenge for subsurface geology.

Earth Sciences Feb 5, 2020

Ocean temperatures impact Central American climate more than once thought

Tourists today spend thousands of dollars to explore and enjoy the lush and thriving rainforests of Guatemala.

Archaeology Jan 29, 2020

Team creates game-based virtual archaeology field school

Before they can get started at their field site—a giant cave studded with stalactites, stalagmites and human artifacts—15 undergraduate students must figure out how to use their virtual hands and tools. They also must ...

Earth Sciences Jan 8, 2020

Sea-ice-free Arctic makes permafrost vulnerable to thawing

Permafrost is ground that remains frozen throughout the year; it covers nearly a quarter of Northern Hemisphere land. The frozen state of permafrost enables it to store large amounts of carbon; about twice as much as in the ...

Earth Sciences Jan 8, 2020

Bat poop may give researchers clues about historical changes to climate, vegetation

Whether it's ice, lake-bottom mud, or cave stalactites and stalagmites, if something piles up and accumulates over time, it can tell scientists about past climate conditions or surrounding landscapes and how they've changed.

Archaeology Nov 26, 2019

Human migration out of Africa may have followed monsoons in the Middle East

Last year, scientists announced that a human jawbone and prehistoric tools found in 2002 in Misliya Cave, on the western edge of Israel, were between 177,000 and 194,000 years old.

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