Search results for security audits

Economics & Business Jan 26, 2022

Female Bangladeshi garment workers bear the cost of COVID disruptions

Women working in the Bangladesh garment industry have been heavily affected by the COVID pandemic and the associated disruptions in the sector, according to the findings of an international study published today.

Social Sciences Dec 7, 2021

Post-pandemic widening of inequalities for children in the North of England

A major new report paints a stark picture of widening inequalities for children in the North of England which cost billions, increase poverty and cost children's lives.

Economics & Business Nov 10, 2021

Disclosures on auditor firings are useless in forecasting restatement trouble, study shows

Mandatory Securities and Exchange Commission disclosures about the reasons behind auditor firings are useless for assessing whether restatement trouble lies ahead for the company, according to new research from the University ...

Environment Sep 17, 2021

Burned trees and billions in cash: How a California climate program lets companies keep polluting

As fire ripped through the Mendocino County hills the summer of 2018, burning a vast expanse of forest and turning buildings to ash, a curious thing was happening at Eddie Ranch, a sprawling property scorched by the flames.

Social Sciences Jul 27, 2021

Addressing links between poverty, housing, water access and affordability in Detroit

In a new study of access to clean and affordable water in Detroit, University of Michigan researchers found that about 10% of the city's population is 'triple burdened', meaning those residents face higher than average rates ...

Social Sciences Jul 21, 2021

Firms connected to the Mafia: Lower profitability, more likely to go bust

New research from Bocconi University in Milan reports that, contrary to received wisdom, connections to organized crime harm a company's financial performance and increase by 25.5% its likelihood to go bust.

Social Sciences May 5, 2021

Deliberate ignorance: How we avoid information and why it's sometimes useful to do so

We live in a knowledge society in which science and education is of particular importance. Knowledge is also considered a key driver for economic growth. But under certain circumstances, we all benefit from deliberate ignorance. ...

Social Sciences Mar 25, 2021

What happens when you free unemployed Australians from 'mutual obligations' and boost their benefits? We just found out

During COVID-19 the government ran what turned out to be a giant real-world experiment into what happens when you boost someone's unemployment benefits and free them of the "mutual obligation" to apply for jobs.

General Physics Mar 9, 2021

A device-independent protocol for more efficient random number generation

Recent advancements in the development of experimental Bell tests have enabled the implementation of a new type of device-independent random number generator. Remarkably, this new type of random number generators can be realized ...

Mathematics Feb 2, 2021

How game theory could have reduced costs of PPE for frontline healthcare workers

Kingston University London researchers have used a mathematical model known as game theory to explore how the challenge of securing sufficient levels of vital personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers during ...

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