Search results for point-of-care

Environment Jun 21, 2024

Supporting the right small changes can have big impacts on climate action, say researchers

Small changes in our everyday actions can trigger significant, rapid societal shifts especially when it comes to climate action. A new IIASA-led study highlights the importance of analyzing these dynamics with a comprehensive ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 21, 2024

New physics-informed neural network for universal and high-fidelity resolution enhancement in fluorescence microscopy

To address the limitations of current computational super-resolution microscopy, a team of researchers at Zhejiang University has introduced a novel deep-physics-informed sparsity framework that significantly enhances structural ...

Environment Jun 21, 2024

Study shows rising temperatures affect air quality over Los Angeles

Particulate matter and ozone are a major problem for people and the environment. Dr. Eva Pfannerstill, young investigator group leader at Jülich's Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK 8), is investigating where ...

Economics & Business Jun 21, 2024

Anti-trust regulators should consider their options carefully when start-ups are acquired, new study suggests

Promoting a competitive marketplace has been the main focus for regulators concerned with "killer acquisitions"—when big companies swallow small startups to eliminate a potential rival.

Plants & Animals Jun 21, 2024

Saving the woodrats: Zoo raises endangered species for wild release

Inside a hallway of the veterinary hospital at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, a popular new program plays 24/7 on a computer screen.

Astronomy Jun 20, 2024

Simons Observatory begins measurements to probe Big Bang inflation

Almost 14 billion years ago, the universe was born in a blur of mystery. The new Simons Observatory in Chile's Atacama Desert may soon answer the great scientific question of what happened in that tiny fraction of a second ...

Social Sciences Jun 20, 2024

Exploring the relationship between civilians and military organizations through an experiment in Japan

In democracies where civilian control is followed, the power to make crucial decisions, like those of national security, is mainly exercised by elected officials, allowing the citizens who elect them to influence such decisions ...

Ecology Jun 19, 2024

Biden administration acknowledges harms of Columbia River dams on Indigenous people

The hydropower dams on the Columbia River flooded villages, disrupted economies and ways of life and continue to harm people indigenous to the Pacific Northwest, according to a first-of-its-kind federal report released Tuesday.

Bio & Medicine Jun 19, 2024

Ultrasound beam triggers 'nanodroplets' to deliver drugs at exactly the right spot

Conventional drug delivery is often like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. Whether the drug is swallowed, injected, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin, it ultimately diffuses to most parts of the body, including those ...

Environment Jun 18, 2024

Should FEMA recognize extreme heat and wildfire smoke as 'major disasters?'

The nation's top emergency response agency has long been a lifeline for cities and states struggling with disaster. When hurricanes strike, earthquakes rattle, and tornadoes carve paths of destruction, the Federal Emergency ...

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