Search results for paper ballots

Political science Nov 17, 2020

Political representativeness affects trade union membership, influence

A country's political system—whether it favors cooperation and multiparty coalitions or devolves into fiefdoms rife with competitive fragmentation—can positively or negatively affect trade union membership and influence, ...

Molecular & Computational biology Nov 3, 2020

A DNA-based molecular tagging system that could take the place of printed barcodes

Many people have had the experience of being poked in the back by a plastic tag while trying on clothes in a store. That is just one example of radio frequency identification technology, which has become a mainstay not just ...

Political science Oct 30, 2020

Dead people don't vote: Study points to an 'extremely rare' fraud

With concerns rising over a potentially contested presidential election next week, a new study by Stanford researchers suggests that worries over one type of election-day fraud are overblown: ballots cast in the name of dead ...

Space Exploration Oct 23, 2020

Ultimate absentee ballot: US astronaut votes from space station

At least she didn't have to wait in line.

Political science Oct 1, 2020

California has removed most obstacles to voting. Why are so many still not going to the polls?

A new report by the UCLA Luskin Center for History and Policy takes a historical view to understand why, in 2020, the electorate in California remains so demographically and socioeconomically skewed.

Political science Sep 23, 2020

From deepfakes to fake news, an array of influences aim to shape voter decisions

Gone are the days when voter influences involved a candidate stump speech, a piece of direct mail, a TV ad or a pamphlet.

Political science Sep 23, 2020

COVID-19 opens a partisan gap on voting by mail

Before the pandemic, there wasn't any difference in the rates at which Democratic and Republican voters actually cast their ballots by mail or in-person. That may change now.

Political science Sep 2, 2020

Paper ballots, risk-limiting audits can help defend elections and democracy, study finds

With just over two months before the 2020 election, three professors at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business offer a comprehensive review of how other nations are seeking to protect their democratic institutions ...

Political science Aug 28, 2020

COVID, politics and voting by mail

The topic of mail-in voting has been top news lately, with Democrats touting its benefits early in the pandemic while some Republicans, President Trump in particular, insisted that the method is rife with fraud, a claim with ...

Social Sciences Aug 27, 2020

40 years of voting history reveals vote-by-mail does not give either political party an edge

Researchers evaluated over 40 million individual voting records and found the system is unlikely to advantage Democrats, disadvantage Republicans.

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