Search results for palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology

Archaeology Feb 26, 2019

Giant animals lived in Amazonian mega-wetland

A land of giants: This is the best definition for Lake Pebas, a mega-wetland that existed in western Amazonia during the Miocene Epoch, which lasted from 23 million to 5.3 million years ago.

Archaeology Feb 15, 2019

New study of fossil plants shows the emergence of the Pacific Northwest's temperate forests

The iconic evergreen forests of the Pacific Northwest haven't always been here.

Archaeology Jan 8, 2019

Thin layers of sediment point to early arrival of life on land

New clues emerging from fossils found in the oldest soils on Earth suggest that multicellular, land-dwelling organisms possibly emerged much earlier than thought.

Archaeology Dec 19, 2018

Study: Prehistoric horses were homebodies

Unlike today's zebras, prehistoric horses in parts of North America did not make epic migrations to find food or fresh water, according to a new study by the University of Cincinnati.

Archaeology Dec 17, 2018

'Treasure trove' of dinosaur footprints found in southern England

More than 85 well-preserved dinosaur footprints—made by at least seven different species—have been uncovered in East Sussex, representing the most diverse and detailed collection of these trace fossils from the Cretaceous ...

Earth Sciences Nov 8, 2018

Scientist gets the dirt on what could be the planet's oldest soil

UO geologist Greg Retallack has dirt on his hands—and at 3.7 billion years old, it might be some of the oldest dirt on Earth.

Paleontology & Fossils Feb 28, 2018

Flipside of a dinosaur mystery: 'Bloat-and-float' explains belly-up ankylosaur fossils

A scientist with the Canadian Museum of Nature has answered a long-standing mystery about why fossils of ankylosaurs—the "armoured tanks" of the dinosaur world—are mainly found belly-side up. In doing so, he has ruled ...

Archaeology Feb 12, 2018

Ancient trail of Columbian mammoths uncovered in south-central Oregon

A fossilized trackway on public lands in Lake County, Oregon, may reveal clues about the ancient family dynamics of Columbian mammoths.

Earth Sciences Nov 27, 2017

Researchers study unique underwater stalactites

In recent years, researchers have identified a small group of stalactites that appear to have calcified underwater instead of in a dry cave. The "Hells Bells" in the El Zapote cave near Puerto Morelos on the Yucatán Peninsula ...

Archaeology Oct 13, 2017

Fanged kangaroo research could shed light on extinction

Fanged kangaroos – an extinct family of small fanged Australian kangaroos – might have survived at least five million years longer than previously thought.

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