Search results for open airspace

Political science Nov 28, 2018

Arctic cold war: climate change has ignited a new polar power struggle

Climate change is redrawing the Arctic geopolitical map. Rising temperatures are causing permafrost and sea ice in the Arctic Circle to melt at an alarming rate. While this should be a worldwide cause for concern as its impact ...

Business Jun 26, 2018

Technological changes undermine necessity of air traffic management (ATM) monopolies

Air traffic management services traditionally have been national monopolies, partly because of the high infrastructure costs. The historically national character of ATM has led to the inefficient situation whereby Europe ...

Engineering Jun 13, 2018

NASA flies large unmanned aircraft in public airspace without chase plane for first time

NASA's remotely-piloted Ikhana aircraft, based at the agency's Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, successfully flew its first mission in the National Airspace System without a safety chase aircraft on ...

Ecology May 25, 2018

Airport-dwelling magpies get in less of a flap about planes, and that could be good or bad

Magpies that live at airports are less likely to flee from aircraft noise than those that live elsewhere, according to our research. But it is unclear whether this makes them more likely to be involved in a collision.

Environment May 18, 2018

Light coats of gritty ash fall near erupting Hawaii volcano

Authorities handed out around 2,000 masks for protection as people living near Hawaii's Kilauea volcano braced for pulverized rock, glass and crystal to rain down after an explosive eruption at the peak's summit.

Hi Tech & Innovation Mar 13, 2018

Google guru Page tests flying taxis in New Zealand (Update)

Pilot-less flying taxis are being tested in New Zealand as part of a project backed by Google co-founder Larry Page that supporters say will revolutionise personal transport.

Earth Sciences Jan 29, 2018

Living with volcanic gases

Professor Tamsin Mather, a volcanologist in Oxford's Department of Earth Sciences reflects on her many fieldwork experiences at Massaya volcano in Nicaragua, and what she has learned about how they effect the lives of the ...

Space Exploration Nov 30, 2017

Monitoring activity in the geosynchronous belt

In the darkness of 2 a.m. on Aug. 26, the sky over Cape Canaveral, Florida, lit up with the bright plume of a Minotaur rocket lifting off from its launch pad. Aboard the rocket, a satellite developed by the MIT Lincoln Laboratory ...

Environment Nov 27, 2017

Indonesia volcano forces mass evacuation, shuts Bali airport

Indonesian authorities ordered 100,000 people to flee Monday from an erupting volcano on Bali that forced the island's international airport to close, stranding large numbers of travelers.

Engineering Oct 23, 2017

New York advances drone industry with testing corridor

Envisioning a day when millions of drones will buzz around delivering packages, watching crops or inspecting pipelines, a coalition is creating an airspace corridor in upstate New York where traffic management systems will ...

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