Search results for music transcription

Engineering Apr 23, 2010

Method developed to identify musical notes at any venue

A team of telecommunications engineers from the University of Jaen (UJA) has created a new method to automatically detect and identify the musical notes in an audio file and generate sheet music. The system identifies the ...

Other Jan 21, 2010

Making Braille music universally accessible

( -- Blind musicians have had restricted access to scores due to the scarcity and limitations of Braille transcriptions. A new European system makes music for the blind more available and far easier to use.

Software May 6, 2009

OnLive to distribute video games digitally

Distributing content digitally over the Internet, rather than in physical form, seems to be the wave of the future.

Feb 14, 2006

Semi-automatic multimedia monitor tracks sponsorship

Corporate sponsors seek positive results from their investments. By automatically monitoring TV programmes and print media, a new system promises to keep sponsors and media analysts well informed and happy.

May 31, 2004

Intel: Architecturing the Era of Tera

In his keynote speech at the Spring 2004 Intel Developer Forum, Intel senior vice president and CTO Pat Gelsinger talked about the future of computing in the "era of tera." Gelsinger outlined the massive proliferation of ...

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