Search results for mental deficiency

Plants & Animals Jan 25, 2018

Honeycomb maze offers significant improvement over current spatial navigation tests

A powerful new tool for the study of spatial memory was today described in Nature as a significant improvement over the current gold standard, the Morris Water Maze. The novel Honeycomb Maze design allows for systematic analysis ...

Environment Jan 19, 2018

Scientists are breeding super-nutritious crops to help solve global hunger

An incredible 155m children around the world are chronically undernourished, despite dramatic improvements in recent decades. In view of this, the UN's Sustainable Development Goals include Zero Hunger. But what do we understand ...

Plants & Animals Sep 4, 2017

Puppy-farmed dogs show worse behaviour, suffer ill health and die young – so adopt, don't shop

There are an estimated 8.5m dogs in Britain, and demand means that unscrupulous people are happy to breed and sell dogs at a profit with scant thought for their welfare. The RSPCA estimate that up to 1.9m puppies are sold ...

Other Aug 4, 2017

No new Einsteins to emerge if science funding snubs curiosity

All of the great scientific findings of the past emanated from the initiative of individuals spurred by unimpeded curiosity and determination.

Biotechnology May 10, 2017

New strains of staple crops serve up essential vitamins

More nutritious versions of staple crops could increase daily vitamin and mineral intake for millions of people with poor diets, helping to overcome undernourishment that can cause blindness, brittle bones, feeble muscles ...

Biotechnology Apr 27, 2016

Managing global malnutrition: Researchers map micronutrients in white rice

Efforts to address chronic malnutrition in billions of people have taken a step forward with Australian researchers defining processing conditions that boost the nutritional value of white rice—the staple food of more than ...

Environment Dec 2, 2015

How unhealthy diets contribute to climate change and hunger

Diets are changing globally and have done so rapidly in most high-income countries, like the UK, over the last 50 years. This dietary transition is now happening in most cities of the global south, the nations of Africa, ...

Space Exploration Sep 14, 2015

Record-breaking astronauts return to Earth – taking us one step closer to Mars

Expedition 44 to the International Space Station has been successfully completed after three astronauts landed in Kazakhstan. The mission saw a cosmonaut clock up more days in space than any other human being, the launch ...

Biotechnology May 19, 2015

Bodyguards for precious seeds—without chemical mace

Naturally occurring, plant-associated bacteria as a crop protection agent are now avail-able for use in crop protection to alleviate the contamination of soil with pesticides—arguably the most environmentally friendly way ...

Social Sciences Dec 16, 2014

Political extremists may be less susceptible to common cognitive bias

People who occupy the extreme ends of the political spectrum, whether liberal or conservative, may be less influenced by outside information on a simple estimation task than political moderates, according to new research ...

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