Search results for fluid inclusions

Paleontology & Fossils Feb 28, 2022

Mineralization of amber insects provides new view of amber taphonomy

Inclusions in amber can preserve organisms' organs, tissues and cells in high fidelity, and are known as "exceptionally preserved" fossils.

Social Sciences Jan 11, 2022

Study finds gender bias in language prevalent, even for language experts

Gender bias has not changed in more than 20 years, even by language experts who are aware of the potential dangers of such prejudices, according to a study coauthored by Rutgers University-New Brunswick that examined textbooks ...

Plasma Physics Nov 8, 2021

Neutral particles a drag on disruptive plasma blobs

For decades, scientists have been working to harness clean, renewable fusion energy, which occurs naturally in stars like our sun. Using strong magnetic fields to confine hot plasmas within a donut-shaped device called a ...

Social Sciences Oct 22, 2021

Mateship might sound blokey, but our research shows women value it more highly than men

Mateship is an intrinsic part of Australian society, routinely discussed as an important national value. In 1999, Prime Minister John Howard even attempted to include mateship in the constitutional preamble.

Economics & Business Sep 9, 2021

What AI analysis of 100 million social media interactions can teach product managers

Researchers from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and University of Maryland at College Park published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines product-markets from the perspective of consumers' ...

Earth Sciences May 26, 2021

What causes the deep Earth's most mysterious earthquakes?

The cause of Earth's deepest earthquakes has been a mystery to science for more than a century, but a team of Carnegie scientists may have cracked the case.

Earth Sciences May 11, 2021

Hidden within African diamonds, a billion-plus years of deep-Earth history

Diamonds are sometimes described as messengers from the deep earth; scientists study them closely for insights into the otherwise inaccessible depths from which they come. But the messages are often hard to read. Now, a team ...

Bio & Medicine May 10, 2021

Magnetic microbead mixing to speed up molecular testing

Currently, we are striving to curb the spread of COVID-19. While large-scale restrictions can hinder the virus, accurate and rapid diagnostic testing can help health services to better monitor and contain the virus. For this, ...

Earth Sciences Apr 26, 2021

What happens below Earth's surface when the most powerful earthquakes occur

At 03:34 local time on 27 February 2010, Chile was struck by one of the most powerful earthquakes in a century. The shock triggered a tsunami, which devastated coastal communities. The combined events killed more than 500 ...

Space Exploration Apr 21, 2021

Scientists find carbon-rich liquid water in ancient meteorite

Water is abundant in the solar system. Even beyond Earth, scientists have detected ice on the moon, in Saturn's rings and in comets, liquid water on Mars and under the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus, and traces of water ...

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