Search results for automatic virtual environment

Software Apr 17, 2019

Transparent architecture

ETH spin-off Archilyse promises nothing less than the "world's most comprehensive architecture analysis" on its website. The young entrepreneurs are attracting a lot of interest in the real estate sector.

Hi Tech & Innovation Apr 1, 2019

Virtual tests for autonomous driving systems

Sensors in autonomous vehicles have to be extremely reliable, since in the future motorists will no longer constantly monitor traffic while underway. In the past these sensors were subjected to arduous road tests. The new ...

Computer Sciences Mar 25, 2019

Spotting hacks automatically, before the hackers do

In early 2018, cybersecurity researchers discovered two security flaws they said were present in almost every high-end processor made and used by major companies. Known ominously as Spectre and Meltdown, these flaws were ...

Mathematics Mar 19, 2019

Mathematicians reveal secret to human sperm's swimming prowess

Researchers have discovered what gives human sperm the strength to succeed in the race to fertilise the egg.

Robotics Jan 22, 2019

The robots being readied to enter nuclear no-go zones

Robust, intelligent robots that react to their surroundings are being developed to work in situations that are too dangerous for humans, such as cleaning up Europe's decades-old radioactive waste or helping during a nuclear ...

Computer Sciences Dec 28, 2018

Researchers link realism to blockchain's promise

Depending on who you ask, blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize the world—from creating a universal currency to building a free and truly private internet. Or, the new technology, built with a combination of ...

Hi Tech & Innovation Dec 18, 2018

Algorithms take the wheel

Car sharing with autonomous vehicles could improve cities in many ways. Singapore is taking a pioneering role, working with ETH researchers to explore the potential of personalised, electrified and automated public transport.

Computer Sciences Nov 30, 2018

Helping computers to see 3-D structures

If you can recognize structures around you while walking down a city street, you have your eyes to thank. Humans can automatically perceive 3-D structure in the world by identifying lines, shapes, symmetries and the patterns ...

Engineering Nov 8, 2018

Automated feminine hygiene disposal for developing communities

The lack of safe and discreet menstrual hygiene options contributes to lost workplace productivity and missed schooling for millions of women and girls around the world. A technical solution called S.H.E. strives to address ...

Hi Tech & Innovation Aug 24, 2018

Mandarin language learners get a boost from AI

IBM Research and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) are collaborating on a new approach to help students learn Mandarin. The strategy pairs an AI-powered assistant with an immersive classroom environment that has not ...

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