Search results for absolute humidity

Environment Sep 22, 2021

When extreme events are no longer rare: Lessons from Hurricane Ida

When Hurricane Ida barreled into Louisiana late last month, bringing 10- to 15-foot storm surges and record-breaking winds, many wondered whether the New Orleans' levee system—newly rebuilt at a cost of approximately $14.5 ...

Environment Sep 10, 2021

What will the planet look like in 50 years? Here's how climate scientists figure it out

Climate change scientists don't like to use the term "prediction." Rather, they're making "projections" about the future of the planet as sea levels rise, wildfires sweep the West and hurricanes become more ferocious.

Environment Sep 8, 2021

On thin ice: Near North Pole, a warning on climate change

A massive icebreaker cuts its way through the frozen waters of the Arctic Ocean, clearing a path to the North Pole, all white as far as the eye can see. But even here, the impact of climate change can be felt.

Environment Sep 3, 2021

Flights resume, some power restored in New Orleans after Ida

Commercial flights resumed in New Orleans and power returned to parts of the business district Thursday, four days after Hurricane Ida slammed into the Gulf Coast, but electricity, drinking water and fuel remained scarce ...

Archaeology Sep 1, 2021

The first farmers of Europe found in the Balkans date to the 5th millennium BC

A research team from the University of Bern has managed to precisely date pile dwellings on the banks of Lake Ohrid in the south-western Balkans for the first time: they came into being in the middle of the 5th millennium ...

Environment Jun 23, 2021

After COVID, could the next big killer be heatwaves?

Searing, unrelenting heat scorches large swathes of the Earth, killing millions who have no means to escape. Shade is useless, and shallow bodies of water are warmer than the blood coursing through people's veins.

Archaeology Apr 6, 2021

How baked bat guano helped archaeologists understand our ancient past

In an experiment to understand better how ancient artifacts are altered by the sediment in which they are buried for thousands of years, Australian archaeological scientists buried bones, stones, charcoal and other items ...

Environment Feb 18, 2021

Increasing temperatures will hit meat and milk production in East Africa

New research published in Nature Food warns that heat stress in animals caused by rising temperatures and humidity will occur more frequently and for longer periods, impacting milk and meat productivity for dairy cattle, ...

Earth Sciences Sep 25, 2020

Major wind-driven ocean currents are shifting toward the poles

The severe droughts in the USA and Australia are the first sign that the tropics, and their warm temperatures, are apparently expanding in the wake of climate change. But until now, scientists have been unable to conclusively ...

Space Exploration Sep 24, 2020

A minuscule spacecraft joins a pilot's epic journey to fly from pole to pole

On November 16, 2019, pilot and author Robert DeLaurentis took off on an ambitious adventure. Setting out from San Diego county's Gillespie Field, he banked toward Grand Prairie, Texas on the first leg of a pole to pole expedition. ...

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