Search results for strained silicon

Condensed Matter Oct 14, 2022

Researchers resolve decades-long debate about shock-compressed silicon with unprecedented detail

Silicon, an element abundant in Earth's crust, is currently the most widely used semiconductor material and is important in fields like engineering, geophysics and plasma physics. But despite decades of studies, how the material ...

Nanophysics Oct 13, 2022

Wavelength stable green InGaN micro LEDs monolithically grown on silicon substrate

With their superior efficiency, stability, and device volume properties, conventional light emitting diodes (LEDs) have already revolutionized the lighting and display world. LEDs are typically stacks of semiconductor thin ...

Materials Science Oct 11, 2022

Engineers work on new material for computer chips

The amount of energy used for computing is climbing at an exponential rate. Business intelligence and consulting firm Enerdata reports that information, communication and technology accounts for 5% to 9% of total electricity ...

Quantum Physics Aug 31, 2022

Engineering atomic antennas for quantum sensing

Jennifer Choy makes atom-size antennas. They bear no resemblance to the telescoping rod that transmits pop hits through a portable stereo. But functionally, they're similar. They're quantum sensors, picking up tiny electromagnetic ...

Materials Science Aug 1, 2022

Engineers repurpose 19th-century photography technique to make stretchy, color-changing films

Imagine stretching a piece of film to reveal a hidden message. Or checking an arm band's color to gauge muscle mass. Or sporting a swimsuit that changes hue as you do laps. Such chameleon-like, color-shifting materials could ...

Materials Science Jul 7, 2022

Scientists develop durable material for flexible artificial muscles

UCLA materials scientists and colleagues at the nonprofit scientific research institute SRI International have developed a new material and manufacturing process for creating artificial muscles that are stronger and more ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 20, 2022

Physicists shine light on solid way to extend excitons' life

Optics researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas have shown for the first time that a new method for manufacturing ultrathin semiconductors yields material in which excitons survive up to 100 times longer than in materials ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 15, 2022

Researchers discover intracellular biosilicification in prokaryotes

Biosilicification—the formation of biological structures composed of silica—has wide distribution among eukaryotes. It plays a major role in global biogeochemical cycles and has driven the decline of dissolved silicon ...

Earth Sciences Jun 10, 2022

Lab earthquake study justifies pumping CO2 underground to avert climate warming

A Skoltech professor and his colleagues from the Norwegian Seismic Array and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S., have run an experiment that reproduces the injection of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide ...

Nanophysics Jun 8, 2022

Phonon dynamics enable a deeper understanding of how heat travels through quantum dots

As electronic, thermoelectric and computer technologies have been miniaturized to nanometer scale, engineers have faced a challenge studying fundamental properties of the materials involved; in many cases, targets are too ...

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