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Search results for Linux

Engineering Jan 15, 2018

First method to detect illicit drone filming developed

The first technique to detect a drone camera illicitly capturing video is revealed in a new study published by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Weizmann Institute of Science cyber security researchers. The study ...

Security Jan 5, 2018

Flawed computer chips and how to fix them

As tech giants race against the clock to fix major security flaws in microprocessors, many users are wondering what lurks behind unsettling names like "Spectre" or "Meltdown" and what can be done about this latest IT scare.

Security Jan 4, 2018

Explainer: Who's affected by computer chip security flaw

Technology companies are scrambling to fix serious security flaws affecting computer processors built by Intel and other chipmakers and found in many of the world's personal computers and smartphones.

Software Dec 13, 2017

New NIST forensic tests to ensure high-quality copies of digital evidence

Data found on a suspect's computer, cell phone or tablet can prove to be crucial evidence in a legal case. A new set of software tools developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) aims to make sure ...

Internet Nov 9, 2017

North Korea, ever so cautiously, is going online

Ever so cautiously, North Korea is going online.

Security Oct 10, 2017

Automotive intrusion detection and prevention systems against cyber attacks

Panasonic Corporation announced today that it has developed automotive intrusion detection and prevention systems as a cyber security countermeasure for autonomous and connected cars.

Internet Oct 2, 2017

Beyond Bitcoin—The power struggle over trust-based technology

Technology blogs and financial news networks are buzzing about blockchain, a cryptographic, distributed trust technology. The key innovation is how it reduces the need for central third-party institutions to serve as central ...

Hardware Sep 5, 2017

Ohio Supercomputer Center releases open-source HPC access portal

An innovative web-based portal for accessing high performance computing services has matured beyond the beta phase and now is available to HPC centers worldwide.

Software Sep 5, 2017

Radiation analysis software makes emergency responders' jobs quicker, easier

When law enforcement officers and first responders arrive at an emergency involving radiation, they need a way to swiftly assess the situation to keep the public and environment safe. Having analysis tools that can quickly ...

Software Jun 21, 2017

Cyber boost: New operating system will improve Navy computing power

With support from the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Dr. Binoy Ravindran, an engineering professor at Virginia Tech, has designed a system that could revolutionize how military and commercial computing systems perform.

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