Search results for tardigrade

Cell & Microbiology May 2, 2022

Study finds how Acinetobacter baumannii survives without water on hospital surfaces

The pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii can survive on hospital surfaces—without water—for months, an ability that has helped it become a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections.

Materials Science Mar 15, 2022

A versatile hydrogel network-repairing strategy

Hydrogen bond engineering can convey stretchability, toughness and self-healing properties to materials, although enhancement effects of conventional hydrogen bonds is limiting due to their weak interaction strength. For ...

Space Exploration Jan 31, 2022

Hibernating for a trip to Mars, the way bears do

Hibernating astronauts could be the best way to save mission costs, reduce the size of spacecraft by a third and keep crew healthy on their way to Mars. An ESA-led investigation suggests that human hibernation goes beyond ...

Space Exploration Jan 28, 2022

Crashing rocket will create new moon crater: What we should worry about

It's not often that the sudden appearance of a new impact crater on the moon can be predicted, but it's going to happen on March 4, when a derelict SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will crash into it.

Biotechnology Jan 19, 2022

A huge project is underway to sequence the genome of every complex species on Earth

The Earth Biogenome Project, a global consortium that aims to sequence the genomes of all complex life on earth (some 1.8 million described species) in ten years, is ramping up.

Astronomy Jan 6, 2022

Sending tardigrades to the stars

No longer solely in the realm of science fiction, the possibility of interstellar travel has appeared, tantalizingly, on the horizon. Although we may not see it in our lifetimes—at least not some real version of the fictional ...

Quantum Physics Dec 20, 2021

Peers dispute claim that tardigrades were entangled with qubits

Scientists and journalists alike are disputing claims made by an international team of researchers that they had entangled a tardigrade with superconducting qubits. Their paper is published on the arXiv preprint server. Virtually ...

Biochemistry Dec 1, 2021

Characterizing tardigrades' disordered protein to understand their resilience

A team of researchers from the University of Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CEA Institut de Biologie Structurale and one with the National (Taiwan) University has learned more about the unique protein made by tardigrades that allows ...

Evolution Oct 5, 2021

Researchers describe new tardigrade fossil found in 16 million year old Domincan amber

Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are a diverse group of charismatic microscopic invertebrates that are best known for their ability to survive extreme conditions. A famous example was a 2007 trip to space where tardigrades ...

General Physics Aug 27, 2021

The physics behind a water bear's lumbering gait

Plump and ponderous, tardigrades earned the nickname "water bears" when scientists first observed the 0.02-inch-long animals' distinctive lumbering gaits in the 18th century. Their dumpy plod, however, raises the question ...

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