See also stories tagged with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Search results for lawrence livermore national laboratory

Planetary Sciences Dec 19, 2023

New nuclear deflection simulations advance planetary defense against asteroid threats

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have developed a modeling tool for assessing the potential use of a nuclear device to defend the planet against catastrophic asteroid impacts.

Environment Dec 12, 2023

New report outlines opportunities to remove CO2 at the gigaton scale

Scientists from more than a dozen institutions have completed a first-of-its-kind high-resolution assessment of carbon dioxide removal potential in the United States, charting a path to achieve a net-zero greenhouse gas economy ...

Space Exploration Dec 7, 2023

Psyche gamma-ray instrument hums to life, marking next generation for space exploration

Set 6.5 feet (2 meters) away from NASA's Psyche spacecraft on the tip of a boom, the mission's gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) hummed to life on Nov. 6 for the first time since launch in mid-October. The GRS is one half of the ...

General Physics Oct 5, 2023

Study shows defects spreading through diamond faster than the speed of sound

Settling a half century of debate, researchers have discovered that tiny linear defects can propagate through a material faster than sound waves do.

Materials Science May 31, 2023

A protein mines, sorts rare earths better than humans, paving way for green tech

Rare earth elements, like neodymium and dysprosium, are a critical component to almost all modern technologies, from smartphones to hard drives, but they are notoriously hard to separate from the Earth's crust and from one ...

Plasma Physics May 25, 2023

Experiments shed light on pressure-driven ionization in giant planets and stars

Scientists have conducted laboratory experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) that provide new insights on the complex process of pressure-driven ionization in giant planets and stars. Their research, ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 31, 2023

Scientists measure laser-heated plasma using Doppler weather forecasting technique

Scientists have used a common weather forecasting technique for insights into how powerful lasers turn hunks of solid material into soups of electrically charged particles known as plasmas.

Cell & Microbiology Mar 28, 2023

Scientists develop model for more efficient simulations of protein interactions linked to cancer

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists have developed a theoretical model for more efficient molecular-level simulations of cell membranes and their lipid-protein interactions, part of a multi-institutional effort ...

Astronomy Mar 16, 2023

Prototype telescope launched to the International Space Station

A prototype telescope designed and built by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers has been launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida to the International Space Station (ISS).

Nanophysics Mar 14, 2023

Breaking down the Nernst–Einstein relation, carbon nanotube style

When it comes to studying particles in motion, experimentalists have followed a 100-year-old theory that claims the microscopic motion of a particle is determined by random collisions with molecules of the surrounding medium, ...

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