Search results for gas chromatograph

Analytical Chemistry Jan 14, 2020

Hydrogen alarm for remote hydrogen leak detection

Hydrogen is considered as one of the promising alternative energy sources. Nevertheless, its application as an energy carrier is complicated due to its highly explosive nature when mixed with oxygen. These dangerous situations ...

Materials Science Jan 9, 2020

How pure is your patchouli?

Indonesian patchouli oil represents a significant share of the world market, supplying some 90 percent to the perfume industry as a common fixative agent for scents. Some 1400 tonnes are produced annually. New markets for ...

Analytical Chemistry Nov 5, 2019

New simple device greatly improves analysis of reaction kinetics

Researchers at the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have developed a new device for measuring the kinetics of gas-producing reactions. This simple benchtop device, of which the ...

Materials Science Oct 10, 2019

Defects on the surface of catalysts determine their activity

Many technical processes, including chemical production, exhaust gas purification and the chemical storage of solar energy would not be possible without catalysts. In the chemical industry, the vast majority of products produced ...

Astrobiology Sep 27, 2019

Life's building blocks may have formed in interstellar clouds

An experiment shows that one of the basic units of life—nucleobases—could have originated within giant gas clouds interspersed between the stars.

Earth Sciences Sep 12, 2019

Climate change in the Southern Hemisphere

On its mission "SouthTRAC," the German research aircraft HALO will investigate the southern atmosphere and its effects on climate change in September and November 2019. Researchers from Goethe University will also be on board.

Analytical Chemistry Aug 15, 2019

New research could provide better food and faster analysis of blood tests

Gas chromatography is a method of analysis that most people have experienced at one time or another without necessarily knowing it. For example, gas chromatography can be used to reveal food fraud, find out where a particular ...

Environment Jun 27, 2019

Study shows how to produce natural gas while storing carbon dioxide

New research at The University of Texas at Austin shows that injecting air and carbon dioxide into methane ice deposits buried beneath the Gulf of Mexico could unlock vast natural gas energy resources while helping fight ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 27, 2019

Portable gas detection shrinks to new dimensions

A sensor for detecting toxic gases is now smaller, faster and more reliable. Its performance sets it up for integration in a highly sensitive portable system for detecting chemical weapons. Better miniature sensors can also ...

Space Exploration May 29, 2019

Mars Organic Molecule Analyser: A look at the ExoMars rover's tiny ovens

There are few things better than the smell of freshly baked bread from the oven; this is because molecules in the bread disperse in the heat to reach your nose. In a similar way, the ExoMars rover Rosalind Franklin will "bake" ...

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