Search results for feral cat populations

Environment Apr 11, 2023

Nature is in crisis: Here are ten easy ways you can make a difference

Last month, Sir David Attenborough called on United Kingdom residents to "go wild once per week." By this, he meant taking actions which help rather than harm the natural world, such as planting wildflowers for bees and eating ...

Plants & Animals Mar 29, 2023

Faster recognition of non-native iguanas on Saba helps Caribbean conservation efforts

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research have identified a recent incursion of non-native iguanas on Saba, which form a major threat to the endemic melanistic iguana population. A promising study shows a new methodology ...

Plants & Animals Mar 22, 2023

Species don't live in isolation: What changing threats to four marsupials tell us about the future

Conserving native wildlife is a challenging task and Australia's unenviable extinction record shows us we urgently need more sophisticated and effective approaches.

Ecology Feb 28, 2023

Threatened species recover in fenced safe havens, but their safety is only temporary

If you want to see some of Australia's most charismatic threatened mammals such as bilbies, boodies and stick-nest rats, chances are you'll have to go to a zoo—or a safe haven.

Plants & Animals Feb 20, 2023

From the dingo to the Tasmanian devil—why we should be rewilding carnivores

No matter where you live, apex predators and large carnivores inspire awe as well as instill fear.

Plants & Animals Feb 17, 2023

29 threatened species are back from the brink in Australia

Australia's natural world is in deep trouble. Many of our species are getting rarer. Some are now perilously close to extinction, while entire ecosystems face collapse.

Plants & Animals Jan 31, 2023

How culling Australia's feral water buffalo could help tackle climate change

The world's largest wild population of water buffalo now roam Australia. As does the largest wild herd of camels. We have millions of feral goats and deer. For these introduced species, Australia is a paradise. Plenty of ...

Evolution Jan 20, 2023

Could feral animals in Australia become distinct species? Some early signs that it's possible

You might think evolution is glacially slow. At a species level, that's true. But evolution happens every time organisms produce offspring. The everyday mixing of genes—combined with mutations—throws up new generations ...

Plants & Animals Jan 11, 2023

New map of 'stopover hotspots' provides insights for conservation of eastern US migratory landbirds

Every autumn, billions of birds migrate across the eastern U.S. en route to their wintering sites. As the birds undertake their journeys, however, they are faced with increasing threats, including habitat loss, storms, feral ...

Plants & Animals Jan 9, 2023

Meet the eastern bristlebird: Tragically under-appreciated, and one fire away from local extinction

In 1962, renowned American conservationist Rachel Carson wrote a book entitled "Silent Spring" after she noticed the birdsong she used to wake up to as a child had been thinning. Its eventual absence had become almost deafening.

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